YX vs Lifan

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2008
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Hey guys,
This is my second thread trying to gather information for my first purchase.
I've been looking at the pitpro 140/150 which has vanished off ebay and the DHZ 150.
What are the differences between the two engines?
And which one is more Reliable?

Many thanks,
do a search for that one. there has been many discussions about that topic. but pesronally i would stick with the 140. The yx 150 motor isnt that good. 150 lifan is a whole different story though.
does any one no what current bikes on the market are running the lifan 150.
there all good... no big deal which one you get.
isnt the YX ment to go good but?
I'm not sure to be honest.
What's the deal with the IRK upgrade? is it worth doing?
I don't know much about this yet, I'm still new.
I-Thump do u work for pimp it or something. you like promote them! no one rides them!

Lfjbo- it just make it rev harder and respond better
I know the new pimpit bikes have the Lifan 150
How much are those pimpit bikes?
I've been looking at them on the pimpit site, but they don't sell them at the moment.
Where could you go about buying one?
yeh read some other threads on it... it works well apparently. but a race cdi ($30) make a difference i know that. better revs again. response is great!
I-Thump do u work for pimp it or something. you like promote them! no one rides them!

No peter I just answered his question about bikes with 150 Lifans that I can think of and as for no one riding them well thats obvious since they have just become available. If I work for every shop i mention on here then I must have a shitload of jobs! I support sellers who I have had good dealings with so dont talk **** to me about things u dont know!!

Ljfbo__ heres a link to them

150 PIMPIT GANGSTER 2008 PIT BIKE DIRT PRO THUMPSTAR - eBay Other Trail Bikes, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 16-Aug-08 20:41:37 AEST)
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yeh read some other threads on it... it works well apparently. but a race cdi ($30) make a difference i know that. better revs again. response is great!
Sick thanks,
Do you think you could link me to that?
Do you know much about them?
(As in what engines they fit)
Thanks Thumpy,
In your opinion do you think they're better than DHZ and Pitpro?
Or even worth that extra cash?
I'm not sure to be honest.
What's the deal with the IRK upgrade? is it worth doing?
I don't know much about this yet, I'm still new.

An IRK does make the bike rev harder but it also can make the idle real loppy, my GPX 150(which is YX) has one and sometimes it will idle fine and other times you have to restart it every 10 seconds, if you are looking at getting one, do it cause you will notice a difference with the power and responsiveness.:)
Plus they weigh less than a stock magneto, and look all high tech lol!

here's a pic of my IRK
Thanks Thumpy,
In your opinion do you think they're better than DHZ and Pitpro?
Or even worth that extra cash?

I am yet to see one or ride one but a few differences that I notice from a quick look at the pics is the forks, swingarm, throttle, bars, clamps and headset and all braided lines. Also a different frame from the pitpro and obviously the Lifan 150. Im sure others will find more diffs with them if there are any.
An IRK does make the bike rev harder but it also can make the idle real loppy, my GPX 150(which is YX) has one and sometimes it will idle fine and other times you have to restart it every 10 seconds, if you are looking at getting one, do it cause you will notice a difference with the power and responsiveness.:)
Plus they weigh less than a stock magneto, and look all high tech lol!

here's a pic of my IRK

Thanks for the picture.
They're pretty tech, and i don't understand how to fit them.
I'm a fair bit confused.
I saw them on ebay for around 45-50 dollars.
is there any difference with the brands? they all seem pretty no-name.
I-Thump do u work for pimp it or something. you like promote them! no one rides them!

Lfjbo- it just make it rev harder and respond better

no he doesnt, i promote pimpit also, there a very good bike with quality parts and lots of ppl do ride them just not every 1 can afford a pimpit ;)
i was going to get the yx150 but they look ****.. the lifan 150 looks alot beter with the daytona style..

YX150 have more bolt on mods that the lifan 150..
i was going to get the yx150 but they look ****.. the lifan 150 looks alot beter with the daytona style..

YX150 have more bolt on mods that the lifan 150..

Thanks, I'm not looking at upgrading it too much, just a few little mods that aren't too expensive or complicated.
The pimpits look good, but they're about 4-500 dollars out of my price range.

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