z160 Fresh off the boat

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
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Newcastle, Lake Macquarie
z160 Advice needed

hey guys,

just bought home my new z160 to fit onto my 08 DHZ 140, few tech questions:

1: i have a 26mm oko flatside carby, what size jetting should i use? or keep the ones i have in it? (Main 100, Pilot 36)

2: Valve clearences

3: is there anything i will need to get for the new engine?

4: anything else i should know before i kick it over??

no rush on the answeres as my new tools dont arrive till tues or wed...
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for your carb you want a 102 main jet 36 pilot either e clip on middle notch on the needle or one above

and somewhere between 1 to 2 screws out for the mixture and set idle how ever you want

valve clearnances set them at .002 (inlet) and .003 (exhaust) thou

um drop shipping oil and put some fresh new stuff in it

magnetic drain bolts are good too they help with reliability as it pulls metal filings etc
for your carb you want a 102 main jet 36 pilot either e clip on middle notch on the needle or one above

and somewhere between 1 to 2 screws out for the mixture and set idle how ever you want

valve clearnances set them at .002 (inlet) and .003 (exhaust) thou

um drop shipping oil and put some fresh new stuff in it

magnetic drain bolts are good too they help with reliability as it pulls metal filings etc

yea i got new oil, n a mag sump plug... mmm i think i will need new jets then
you might find you'll be better off with a 38 or 40 pilot.... 36 is a bit lean... at least i found it to be...
PBK is spot on with the valve clearances, and the oil, but you'll probably find you will need to find a different set of oil cooler lines...
The 160HO have the cooler lines in a different position, and i believe run different diameter banjo bolts than the Lifan 140 you probably have....
I'd wait til the 160 shows up, then have a look at what you'll need in regards to cooler lines...
The other problem you may have, is that the Lifan 140 runs a different ignition system as opposed to the 160HO motor, which runs an ORK and digitial CDI....
Not sure if Russ has included it with the crate engine or not... so you may need to purchase a ORK CDI...
You may also require a different manifold... The Lifan 140 runs a CRF style head, the 160HO runs a KLX style head, and the lifan carb manifold wont allow you to fit the carb on the 160...
russ included the CDI n manifold adaps... and not been a smart a** or anything but its Zongshen 140... dunno if that makes a diff with the oil cooler lines or not but ill compare the two tonight as i already have the z160 and stock 140 in shed now....

cheers for the advice boyz really appreciated it...
just checked by 'box of everything' and i dont have a 38 pilot only got a 40 so ill give that a run, i also found a 97.5 main should i throw that in??
just checked by 'box of everything' and i dont have a 38 pilot only got a 40 so ill give that a run, i also found a 97.5 main should i throw that in??

are these round 'mikuni' style jets

or are they hex like you use a spanner on?
ummm not quiet sure wat u mean but i can get the main off with a spanner or socket but the pilot i need a flathead screwwy... is that wat u mean... iv neva had a look at the 'mikuni style jets... ill try to throw up some picks
who told you this about the clearances??? thats crazy... oh and are you sure they didnt mean .07mm and .06mm..still wrong tho..
heres a close enough conversion
0.08 millimeter = 3.149 606 299 2 thou
0.10 millimeter = 3.937 007 874 thou
Dont know where you are converting your units but I always use 0.06mm and 0.07mm

Check this website out for conversion
Convert inches to mm - Conversion of Measurement Units

Plug in 0.002 and 0.003 into inches and it renders 0.05mm and 0.076mm, so 0.06mm and 0.07mm is close enough.

0.1mm sounds like it would make a good rattle. I have set my CT110 clearances a little to large before and it made a great rattle till I got home to redo it.
Dont know where you are converting your units but I always use 0.06mm and 0.07mm

Check this website out for conversion
Convert inches to mm - Conversion of Measurement Units

Plug in 0.002 and 0.003 into inches and it renders 0.05mm and 0.076mm, so 0.06mm and 0.07mm is close enough.

0.1mm sounds like it would make a good rattle. I have set my CT110 clearances a little to large before and it made a great rattle till I got home to redo it.

hmmm i think you need to study your own link you provided..

sht you can even work it out without a calculator... how many thou in 1mm? now break it down... .10 is 0.0039 thou


.06mm is too tight and .07 would be ok for an inlet. better to be slightly on the loose side than tight
Mate, there is nothing wrong the calculator supplied in that link,

0.002" = 0.0508mm
0.003" = 0.0762mm

Done with the linked calculator and the one sitting one my table using 1"=25.40mm

I can not see how you could not agree to that, 0.1mm and 0.08mm is too much, I usually just set 0.7 for both and call it a day.

Maybe you have to recheck your calcs, or are you using 0.003 and 0.004 for inlet and exhaust respectively?
Dub88n this is a wiring diagram for an ORK going into a non ORK bike... You may need to make up some of your own clips and wiring, not having the final part of the loom, but this wiring layout will work.
you can use some the wiring you already have from your old 140 loom... ie killswitch wires, coil wires etc....
However, i found it easier to start from scratch, rather than having bits of unused loom hanging all over the bike...
well for starters 2 and 3 thou is too tight.. so thats where your seeing the problem..
and i didnt say the calc was wrong, i ment you werent using it properly.

.003 and .004 thou is recommended.. and actually on the ooracing site (i think) they say .004 and .006 thou
Set valve clearances on pit bikes/monkeys

We recommend to set the valve clearance to .004" inlet and .006" exhaust for optimal range.

and i didnt ask wat 1' was in mm's its totally different.... 1mm= .039 tho .10mm is .0039 thou

anyways enough of this crap..
the original question was
i was told that i should have .007 inlet and .006 for exhaust

any reason why it should be so high??

and there definitely too big..

awesome diagram thump.. dub_88n also found a readable one on the dhz site..
thanks for all the wiring help guys i think i got that sorted (ill find out wen i kick it over i guess)...

well for starters 2 and 3 thou is too tight.. so thats where your seeing the problem..
and i didnt say the calc was wrong, i ment you werent using it properly.

.003 and .004 thou is recommended.. and actually on the ooracing site (i think) they say .004 and .006 thou

and i didnt ask wat 1' was in mm's its totally different.... 1mm= .039 tho .10mm is .0039 thou

anyways enough of this crap..
the original question was

and there definitely too big..

awesome diagram thump.. dub_88n also found a readable one on the dhz site..

im gettin confused with all these valve clearences... ill just set 003inlet and 004exhaust wen i get feelers and new spanners...
nah there should be two other banjo bolts next to the bottom of the oil line. that line needs to stay where it is, it links the pump/filter to the head....
Dub88n pm me your phone number, i'll send you a pic of where the oil lines connect to the motor.

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