160ho clutch or g-box??

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2014
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west coast NZ
Hi all...

riding my pity last wknd and it started slipping the clutch(i think).
The engine only has 6 hrs on it from new so hoping its nothing major.
It just started doing it all of a sudden and only under power/load, at first i thought the chain might be jumping teeth on the sprocket but thats not the case.

So I dropped the oil yesterday and there was nothing unusual in it other than a bit of fine metal shavings on the magnetic plug.
There was a couple of tiny bits of rubber but im sure they came from the edges of the oil screen in the bottom.
I pulled the clutch cover off to inspect and the clutch basket has a fair bit of movement in all directions and alot of wear in the alloy centre that goes on the shaft.
Would that be enough to cause slippage??
Surely if it was broken gears there would be some evidence in the oil(chunks of metal)?
Not sure, dont want to split cases if i dont have to!

I was clutching it out of corners a fair bit before it happened.

Is it a possibility the clutch could fail with such low hrs??

Help please???
I replaced the whole clutch with a near new unit and ran fine for a little while then started slipping again!!!

Any suggestions...........????
Are you sure it's slipping? Is it make noises or the bike lunging forward when this happens?

Clutch cable ok?
Are you sure it's slipping? Is it make noises or the bike lunging forward when this happens?

Clutch cable ok?

Yeah making noises when it happens, sound like the chain is slipping..but sprockets are good and chain tension is spot on.......??
I drained the oil again and there was a few tiny metal shavings on the magnetic plug, surely if was stripped gears there would be some indication in the oil???

anyone got any ideas??????? please??? before I take the whole engine out.
I drained the oil again and there was a few tiny metal shavings on the magnetic plug, surely if was stripped gears there would be some indication in the oil???

anyone got any ideas??????? please??? before I take the whole engine out.

Take the clutch side off and look at the wear on the clutch plates. If they are badly worn then you know that's the problem.

Also check the clutch basket for wear.

Anything clutch related you don't need to take the motor out.

Filings could be from the gears but that's not causing your issues. I get some light filings in my LXR as well it's no big deal.
Take the clutch side off and look at the wear on the clutch plates. If they are badly worn then you know that's the problem.

Also check the clutch basket for wear.

Anything clutch related you don't need to take the motor out.

Filings could be from the gears but that's not causing your issues. I get some light filings in my LXR as well it's no big deal.

The original basket had alot of wear in the alloy centre so I replaced it with another one(not brand new but in good condition), the plates still look brand new with hardly any wear but are quite blackened and glazed.
I have read somewhere that once they are glazed they can slip badly......not sure.

Can I try rough them up a bit with some sand paper or scourer, will that damage them at all??
The original basket had alot of wear in the alloy centre so I replaced it with another one(not brand new but in good condition), the plates still look brand new with hardly any wear but are quite blackened and glazed.
I have read somewhere that once they are glazed they can slip badly......not sure.

Can I try rough them up a bit with some sand paper or scourer, will that damage them at all??

What oil are you running in the bike? Think that may be your problem. You need to use an oil with a clutch additive.

You could very lightly sand them. They are also pretty cheap to just replace.
running this oil, pretty sure it was you motorman that said you use it in all your bikes.....??

running this oil, pretty sure it was you motorman that said you use it in all your bikes.....??

Definitely not that then. Yeah that's exactly what I use on all my bikes and never had a problem.

Sorry mate just trying to rule out everything as bizarre you have had the same issue twice now.

Running out of idea's unless you are just really harsh on the clutch!! :laughing-smiley-002
Did you replace the transfer gear that the clutch basket mounts on?

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the gear that goes into the back of the basket and joins with the kickstart gears???
yes I replaced that.

original gear was not broken but the big teeth at the back that join to ksg's were starting to bend over if you know what I mean?

And "motorman", I am a little bit harsh on the clutch sometimes..:hidesbehindsofa:

cheers guy's, i'll pull it apart tomorrow and rough the plates up a bit and see how that goes.

otherwise i'll order a whole new clutch, I know the plates are reasonably cheap but it's not cost that worries me......it's the wait for the part's to arrive!!!!!

I want to ride tomorrow!!!!!! Yeeeaaahhhh!!

P.S, Bout time you chimed in Stu!!
Lol sorry mate :) basket looks ok to me, maybe a little worn where the kickstart transfer gear goes in (last pic) but not enough to cause an issue. Plates are dark, but i have ran plates in similar condition without a problem.
Shift drum been tightened? A blown gear will slip all the time, whereas most slipping clutches only do it under load or heavy throttle......

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Lol sorry mate :) basket looks ok to me, maybe a little worn where the kickstart transfer gear goes in (last pic) but not enough to cause an issue. Plates are dark, but i have ran plates in similar condition without a problem.
Shift drum been tightened? A blown gear will slip all the time, whereas most slipping clutches only do it under load or heavy throttle......

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It only seems to slip under load, how do you tighten the shift drum.....splitting cases required??

I gave all the plates a rough up with a scotchbrite scourer(all I had haha) and put it all back together, I'll give it a run later and see how it goes this time, hopefully goes good.
DHZ webstore won't accept my NZ address anymore for some reason, tried to order a complete clutch yesterday with no success, I can't find them anywhere else other than the US.
One side of the shift drum is under the rubber bung on the sprocket side, the other is top left hand side of the engine, sort off behind and above the kicker gears.
Try ali express, they should have some clutches cheap, shpping just takes a while....

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One side of the shift drum is under the rubber bung on the sprocket side, the other is top left hand side of the engine, sort off behind and above the kicker gears.
Try ali express, they should have some clutches cheap, shpping just takes a while....

Sent from my SM-T110 using Tapatalk

Cheers Stu, So I dont have to split cases to check the shift drum for tightness, thats good.

I'll give ali express a try.

Thanks again.
O.k so I gave it another go last night with no joy, first gear is fine but 2nd is slipping or just not quite engaging properly not sure, still no evidence of broken gears in the oil.
I havn't pulled the cover off and checked the shift drum for tightness yet, next on the list.
I presume i just tighten it as much as possible??

If that doesn't fix the problem i'm gonna have to split cases I suppose!??
Yeah tighten up until tight af. Im thinking you may have killed second if it doesnt show in 1st 3rd or 4th..

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