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Iim gonna try the gasket ect before I do the coil. If it isn't the coil ill have a spare.the shaft I'm about tempted to do your idea lol when my parts list is bigger than my groceries list it drives me kinda nuts
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what i did was carefully filed the splines on the shaft with a fine triangular file, and same on the kickstart lever
then bolted it up using a 12.9 socket head bolt and did it up tight
then mig welded the kickstarter to the shaft where the splines on both meet, just on the outer end
then cooled it off quickly with some old motor oil.
it hasn't moved since i originally did it.
Well adding into your idea because I couldn't find my dang files. I've got my dremel with a thin cutting wheel and I'm notching the inside of the pedal like it as well. Worth a shot as it will be eventually tossed anyways
Welllllllll. Fixed the started with the new head gasket its not leaking and u can feel the diff in compression......buuut stil hard to start and won't rev at all.....carb is clean and set right with the tester on the plug it shows fluttery spark when it tries to rev. Will not spark first few kicks "charges up" as in weak last time this happened on my honda was the coil. New coils due in on the 8th
Forgive me if I'm wrong but after dealing with a 2001 rm125 a 2000 lt80 and this bike? I noticed a pattern in suzuki making access and repairs a pain in the *$$.
yeah they don't seem too bad, most of the parts i need have to be ordered in though.
am i'm usually stuck for cash, so end up having to source them OS, and wait for parts ex US or China

do you want me to measure the source coil resistance for you so you can check your stator is ok ?
have you pulled apart your on/off switch to check there isn't a high resistance there?
and are your terminals all clean where the stator wiring meets the main loom?
set your multimeter to 200 Ohms,
put one lead from the multimeter to the earth point on the coil, and the other lead from the meter to the power terminal

on my ignition coil it has a primary resistance of 2.2 Ohms
so your carby clean just checking you cleaned up the emulsion tube ?


and the pilot jet hole is definately open ? the one at the bottom

this is another DS80 thread here which had a similar problem to yours,
it ended up being the expansion chamber clogged up
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yeah I noticed the emulsion tube is different in that it comes out the top. I took the carb all apart soaked in parts cleaner and sprayed it out and ran a jet cleaner through. I know the feeling being short on cash i had someone living in my house I thought I was being nice but she used us and never paid a cent last week I finally got her family to take her in. Ill try the test nice four day weekend I've been sleeping in lol and my brain now works lol
Here's the sit rep so far on the bike mainly cuz I cant sleep too much on my mind lol.
New stator primary coil new top end new gaskets champion 8902 plug kindof had to guess on the wiring but got most of it right: red wire with spade end on coil black/white bolted to coil black yellow wire bolted to engine rest was pre wired. Kick starter has been filed and then welded works well. Carb has been cleaned multiple times including emulsion tube and pilot jet+pilot hole. Engine has been ran without exhaust and with new airbox installed. Slide fixed. Running 93 octane 32:1 oil ratio. Will be hard to start then refuses to rev period will not stall just not a change in rpm with throttle applied more or less it skips with throttle applied. Slight change in tone but otherwise nothing. Spark tester was used and when throttle is applied spark gets fluttery. Bike was sitting outdoors for years before I received it. Timing was somewhat checked and there was two hints of marks that I lined up. Bike will not show spark first few kicks at all then looks weak while running per tester. New boyesen reeds are in good working order. Not really lost but frustrated have a new coil ordered due by mid week this week. Still need tires chain rear sprocket rear fender brake handle rear brake rod seat fabric and number plates. Going week by week lately having to sell parts to get parts
have you measured the resistance on the ignition coil that is fitted to the bike currently ?
i'll get the reading for the secondary side in a bit for you too.

i wonder if the engine has a good earth ? if there is paint on the cases, or frame where it bolts together then it might not be earthing it too well?

you could try running an earth wire from the coil earth to an engine bolt
have you replaced the condensor on the stator plate, i have a feeling it could be that
if it isn't holding a charge , it might take a few kicks for it to build one up
If I seem irritable I apologise this thing is getting annoying lol and the chinese dealer made false claims. Ill add pics of what I can

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