did the 2008 blitz come with like a 5cm hose coming off the radiator as the overflow hose?
i had to extend mine down to the back at the same place the fuel leaks out since a few times it got overheated when i was doing some tuning on the standard carby it was pissing out all over the engine and front guard?
was just curious is all.
The 2008 Blitz (well, mine anyway) came with a radiator overflow line that extended down the maintube of the frame, and dumped any overflow straight onto the ground under the motor.
ah yours is the same as mine, just blue instead of red, with atomik written on the RHS of the engine, so i'm guessing its the supposed 2009 model, cant see any difference's between ours and thump* minus the engine covers.
Yeah it would appear the main differences are in the engine cases... will be interesting to see the 08 and 09 alongside each other at the ride day, see if they are just different cases, or if the 09 is a Gen 3.5 motor or something...
yea mate check the I.D. tag on the right hand side of the frame just behind the headstem, should give u the year model. i also hav the lil hose comming out of my radiator, as i found out today wen it decides to spew out the coolant it goes all over the front of the engine.
yea mines a 2009 model, came off the freight container straight into the back of my car in September
But just saying i can't see any difference other then the engine covers being difference between the ours and thump*
mine did that twice, was a pain, specially if you are using coolant and it boiled on the engine and turned sticky, so i ran a hose back over the engine and out the same place as the fuel overflow, seems to work well.
easy fix is to run the radiator overflow straight down the front frame maintube.
other differences we hav found between thumps 08 and my 09 is - the front fork travel, muffler restrictor and possibly, im not sure on this but the O.D. size of the collor of the lock nut on the headstem, i had to grind 1mm off to fit wr99 top tripple clamps, i dont think i read any were that he had the same problem but i could be wrong.
hopfully on meet n greet day we can compare them side by side and see wat else there may be that is different.
i to plan on extending the over flow hose, i was thinking of just running it straight down and cable tying it to the frame, will look into it 2moro.
^^yep, on the right track with the overflow.
I also had the same problem with the collar for the headstem, i just simply didnt use it when i found it was too big for the 99 YZF top triple clamp. When i'm not so lazy, i'll do the same as you, and machine it down a bit... Looking at your pics, i think your forks might actually be the same length travel as mine... wondering if one of us didnt measure right... ? meh, find out on the ride day... once the YZF forks go on, you'll have a genuine 300mm of travel anyways..
ah ok then, my muffler had the baffle in the middle of it too, gone now though
My forks seem to be quite fine and travel as much as they are supposed to, can't remember how much exactly, measured it when i serviced 2 weeks ago, then again is Chinese manufacturing probably one in every 200 is decent.
Will remember bout the headstem locknut, not gonna bother changing my forks till mine break since they seem to be working fine, but got the local bike wrecker looking out for a 99-06 yamaha yzf forks.
Dirbatua, be careful which model forks you look for. I bought a set of 04 YZF250 forks, and the leg diameters DO NOT match the Blitz Bottom triple clamp. Using the YZF bottom triple clamp, head stem and top triple clamp DOES NOT WORK as they use different diameter headstems, different sized headstem bearings, and cannot be fitted to the Blitz headstock without leaving the bearings exposed.. I would strongly suggest you only look for 96-01 YZF suspension. Yes, it's old, but it can be rebuilt, and it's still better than the stock forks.

Oh, and the 98-99-00 brakes are identical to the Blitz caliper, so you can use YZF wheel bearing in the Blitz front wheel, have the massive Blitz rotor, and Blitz caliper and master cylinder.
Just dont want it leaning out and gtn hot wen im out riding it this wknd,
Ah ok, well as a baseline, the air/fuel screw should be 1 to 1 1/2turns out from all the way in, and it should have a steady idle. if it's popping, backfiring and getting a bit hot, i'd quickly look for some clear fuel line, make it as short as you can, and watch the fuel line with the engine running... shouldnt be any air bubbles... if you see bubbles, reroute the fuel lines, and perhaps put a new (ie better quality) fuel filter in...

My bike is exactly the same as urs. 09. same colour and all. urs is a bit cleaner but
My bike must be the only white one with Yellow flashings in the graphics out there.. ha ha... Hmm, not like me to be different for the wrong reasons.. ha hah