Hmm, seems i forgot to make mention of the "gear meshing" noise anywhere in this thread.
It's the countershaft cover...
or, more correctly i should say, when there is load on the motor, the chain "expands" a tiny bit, and rubs against the sprocket cover.. took me ages to figure this one out, as it stops making the noise when you slow down, or when you clutch the engine rolling along.... then when you get back on the gas, it starts making the noise again...
And yeah, it does sound like the gearbox is meshing and whining away....
But big breaths boys, all you need to do is remove the countershaft sprocket cover, and hey presto, noise goes away...
did you sort out your wiring issue? if not, i'll check mine tonight... been a bit busy lately...
Synergy: I'll have heaps of tyre changing gear at the ride day...

dont worry mate, we'll get you up and running reliably soon.