2008 Atomik Blitz 250 review

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ive got an atomik blitz
ive done a few things
put a gold honda cr500 wheel on the front, i had to change the dick brake to the atomik one, the wheel and disk brake fit stright on.
i had this xl350 in the back yard had sum custom exhaust and that fit stright on except i had to make a brcket,
ive put a light on
done the valve clearences
im lookingg for a better swing arm and back wheel
after i put the exhaust on and done the valves got **** loads of power and snapped the sprocket clean off the hub
but i want to sell it as i want a bike that an do mx on i went t the track twice and its not good for it, its was to heavy you get thrown around to much and the shocks are terrible and i get killed by all the big boys on there crf250s nd **** lol
but its a bit of fun
i wanna sell it for 700
Hey Frank, for the interest of other Blitz owners, including myself, can you post up pics of all the stuff you have done to yours?
A few of us are seeing just what can be done to these things, and would love to see some pure "bolt-on" solutions...
So mate, pics or it didnt happen... ;)
Did you need to change anything eg bearings for the front wheel etc, what model CR500 did it come from etc, what model XL350 etc, can i have the XL350 compliance plate pretty pretty please... etc etc...
Hey Frank, for the interest of other Blitz owners, including myself, can you post up pics of all the stuff you have done to yours?
A few of us are seeing just what can be done to these things, and would love to see some pure "bolt-on" solutions...
So mate, pics or it didnt happen... ;)
Did you need to change anything eg bearings for the front wheel etc, what model CR500 did it come from etc, what model XL350 etc, can i have the XL350 compliance plate pretty pretty please... etc etc...

the front wheel just fit straight on, the xl was an 84 modle but i had to customize the exhaust to fit it, i dnt no wat year the cr 500 was, il upload some piks soon
hey guys. After having a play with my shocking throttle last night i have decided to replace it and the carby. Currently the thing grinds and rotates 180 degrees backwards and forwards and has virtually no spring back. Im not even concerned about power at this stage. I just want something that works and wont leave me stranded 5km from the trailer.

I see people reccommending the oko flatside 28mm in here. Is that the best way to go? Has anyone put one in? will it just slide in?

What other carbys/sizes would be suitable and what are the better brands? Im after one without a pumper because the split cable system is a nightmare.

Carby sizes: how does it work? I assume smaller size carbys are for smaller bikes but what sizes are suitable for 250cc? Some 28mm ones on ebay say 140cc next to them.

Also does anyone have any reccommendations on throttle handles? Ive been through 2 so far and both have ****** plastic insides that get worn away by the cable. Are the alloy ones any better? Seem expensive for that they are.

This seems over priced but is that pretty much what I need?
NEW OKO 28MM FLATSLIDE CARBY KIT 1/8 THROTTLE 160CC - eBay Other Makes, Bike Parts, Motorcycle Parts, Accessories, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 21-Oct-09 12:43:42 AEDST)

Cheers boys...really looking forward to getting this thing out of the garage with a bit of confidence.
Hey Somerider, if you scroll up a bit, you will see i've updated a HEEEEEEap of information in regards to carbys for the Blitz...
I've tried the 28mm on mine over the last few days... The Blitz does NOT like the 28mm... Tuning the idle is crap, and although it barks like a mofo once it clears out, it's not ideal... even jetted properly...
Use the 26mm like i have with mine, you will find it works very well, especially if you cut the muffler down as well, which is also shown in my above posts... all the mods have been covered, as to what actually works...
The 26mm fits in their slightly better than the 28mm, but IT IS SQUEEZY. you will have a lot more luck with it, if you remove the seat, sidecovers and shock... then access to the carby mounts is EASY. try it without removing the shock, and you will be barking knuckles and swearing like a kid with tourettes in no time flat...

as for the throttle, bite the bullet, and get an alloy quickturn one... yes, the initial $$$ outlay will be worth it long term...
All the answers to your questions are just a few posts up.... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
yea sorry thump I did read through all 11 pages but alot of the posts with advice ended in "will try out the [insert part name here] on the weekend and let you know how it goes".

Ill just grab an oko 26mm a nice long cable and an alloy handle then.

Did the oko require any tuning or anything? or was it just a bolt on and set idle job?
Yeah the 26mm was literally a bolt in job, add fuel line, kick in guts, adjust idle... need right jets first though...
If you get one from DHZ, ask Ken for a #39 or #40 pilot jet, and a #100 main jet. Needle on the middle clip, should get you started.
The 26mm was easy to tune "in the driveway", but as for just how well it goes, i'm doing all the testing this weekend.. will have more definate results, and jetting specs on tuesday.. :D
If you get a carby kit like the one you linked to that comes with a throttle, email Ken at DHZ (if that's where you buy it from) and ask if he'll swap the plastic throttle for a billet 1/4 turn, those things are unbreakable.
hi guys, i just got ahold of me blitz this week, i must say the information in this thread was a massive influence and am greatfull for ur efforts and time to share. am yet to go 4 a ride on it but starts fine. am havin a lil issue with the idle at current but should wok it out with patients. As this is my first liquid cooled bike im just wondering if anyone has any pics of any bracing they have made for there radiators? im just a lil concernced that if i drop it they will bend?? or are they quite stong?? also which hi rev cdi unit did you guys buy exactly?

question for thump 140, u mentioned cutting a larger hole in the air box, mine came with a dozen or so 8mm hole drilled each side with a roughly knife cut rectangle hole facing the battery approx 50mm X 25mm. did urs look like this and still cut a larger hole or is mine different?
Well i just went out and bought a 26mm oko flatside carby and it was a right bitch to install. Had to customise the manifold adaptor. Its already looking 4 times better than the old keihin pumper though.

Question for Thump(or someone else)...
Did you find a throttle cable that fitted your oko 26mm and 1/4 turn alloy grip? The longest i could get from dhz was about 10cm too short and I couldnt find one at MXS either. I rigged it all up off the handle bars just to try it out and as soon as the engine fires up cable slips out of the carbyI(the most annoying thing ever when you have just installed it all). Is there a trick to getting that mofo to stay attached to the slide? The end of the cable im using just has one of the small solder tubes on the end.

And just for reference the OKO 26mm carby came with a #100 and #36. I picked up a #104 and #39 to play around with once its all going.

The throttle action is so awesome when the cable stays attached...cant wait to get it going :)
hey everyone my frame is now eing powder coated instead of 2-pac as we painted it and found out the hard way that it sracthes way to easy even with 6 coats of 2-pac clear! :)

anyway I have just bought a 26mm flatslide so that will begoing on the motor before i fit it back into the frame. So does the flatslide run only a single cable to the carby???? I haven't got mine yetn (still in transit). can't wait though
its a single cable straight in the top. make sure you get a nice long cable though. The biggest i could find in the shop was too short.
hi guys, i just got ahold of me blitz this week, i must say the information in this thread was a massive influence and am greatfull for ur efforts and time to share.

question for thump 140, u mentioned cutting a larger hole in the air box, mine came with a dozen or so 8mm hole drilled each side with a roughly knife cut rectangle hole facing the battery approx 50mm X 25mm. did urs look like this and still cut a larger hole or is mine different?
Hey Synergy, i noticed you're in Adelaide. I offer a bit of a shed time to locals after a bit of help and support with tuning their bikes... If you want some assistance setting up your Blitz and getting it good to go before you take it out, PM me, we'll organise a time to do the mods to your bike i've done to mine. As for the holes in your airbox, mine was identical. I just used a stanley knife to cut out the area where the holes have been drilled... :)

Question for Thump(or someone else)...
Did you find a throttle cable that fitted your oko 26mm and 1/4 turn alloy grip?
Is there a trick to getting that mofo to stay attached to the slide? The end of the cable im using just has one of the small solder tubes on the end.

And just for reference the OKO 26mm carby came with a #100 and #36. I picked up a #104 and #39 to play around with once its all going.
Somerider: i used my standard throttle cable, with an alloy 1/4turn throttle. the cable isnt so much the problem, as the stock throttle handle is. It's poorly made, sticky, and doesnt help with the throttle action. I found once i swapped the 1/4turn over, throttle action was excellent. There is a trick to getting the cable to stay in the little white plastic grommet that goes on the end of the cable, down inside the slide itself. find a small phillips head screw, and screw it into the bottom of the plastic grommet, with the cable in place. i've done this on both of my flatslides, and it's worked perfectly... what it does is spread the grommet a little bit, which makes it slightly bigger, and sticks in the slide. i'll post up some pics when i can.
Your jetting should be pretty much bang on. stick with the #100 main, and swap to the #K39 pilot.. that should make for a good starting point...
anyway I have just bought a 26mm flatslide so that will begoing on the motor before i fit it back into the frame. So does the flatslide run only a single cable to the carby???? I haven't got mine yetn (still in transit). can't wait though

Yeah the flatslide runs a single cable, but as stated above, i've used the original twin cable that comes on the bike, mostly due to the length required... swap the throttle handle over, the stock cable works fine with a 1/4 turn throttle, and the "pumper" cable removed from the splitter block....
Have a bit of a read through my next update for this thread, will be a lot of answers in there for you guys, and anyone else doing up their Blitzes... (please note, all these mods work for the Atomik Kuda Pro's as well.)
Atomik Blitz V2.0 THE Update...

Ok kiddies, here is how things went over the weekend. actually found out some great little details about the Blitz, and have discovered i've built the bike Atomik should have built to begin with... :) The bike is now a completely different animal... and i'll confidently say it will trounce a stock Honda XR250 or Kawasaki KLX250. Not in quality, but most definately in performance..
So here's how my weekend went...
I picked up the suspension late friday arvo... only to be given the bad news... The stock atomik fork is downright ****, basically... once they go, and start playing up, nothing can be done to improve them... Mine had developed a habit of compressing, but not rebounding... so they would be stuck at about 2/3rds travel... which obviously isnt great for handling...
The shock on the other hand, isnt too bad as far as damping goes... the problem is the build quality... Hoey's revalved the shim stack, which made marked improvements to what was already a decent shock, but the problem lies with the bladder... getting it to seal, is i'm told a prick of a job... and sadly had started to leak again by the end of the weekend...
So there i am, friday night before heading away saturday morning for a three day riding trek, with no front end...
Hmm... that YZF front end looks pretty similar says I...
So here's the fix i came up with...
Using the 99 YZF400 top triple clamp, forks and front wheel, the Blitz soon had the YZF front end fitted... Atomik has actually copied pretty much everything, if not in appearance, then at least in measurement. YZF forks measure 54mm at the top of the leg... Blitz forks measure 53.25mm at the top, so YZF forks wont slip into the Blitz top triple.. hence the reason i used the YZF triple... The other advantage is, the YZF triple clamp moves the bars back a bit, which improve the one issue with the stock Blitz ergos... The YZF triple clamp aligns with the Blitz bottom triple perfectly...

My YZF brakes are now quite old, and need a seal kit through them, so i quickly discovered the Blitz caliper is a copy of the Yamaha Nissin item... which allowed the YZF front wheel to slip straight in. rotor alignment was bang on, and allowed the use of the better performing Blitz caliper and master cylinder, which is a copy of the old Honda XR250 master...

Nothing could be done the night before leaving about the linkage issues (covered elsewhere in this thread, and solved by MarlboroMan), so the standard shock was bolted back in. The YZF one kinda fits, but requires the pipe be customised a fair bit.. The stock shock had just been revalved, and i was keen to try it out to see how much difference it made.
So the Blitz now stood as having a shortened muffler, OKO 26mm flatslide, YZF400 forks and front tyre, and a revalved rear shock....

Testing times....: Finally we got to our riding spot, set up camp, and suited up... straight off idle the increase in performance afforded with the pipe and oko was immediately noticeable. Bottom end strength has been retained, something the Loncin Gen 3 can list a strong point, but where the pipe mod and OKO fitment made the difference, was in the mid and top end... put plainly, the Blitz now rips compared to a stock setup. Power i would guess is somewhere around 25-28hp, and the power delivery is how it should be... strong down low, building through a punchy mid-section into a screaming top end, which is assisted along with the Hi-rev ignition box. powerslides are now an option, as is diving deep into a rut or sandy corner, feeding in a bit of clutch, a heap of throttle and blasting your way out of there, just like a big boys bike...

When speaking to a few other riders where we were, they were surprised to find out it was a $1300 China Atomik Blitz that had just gone round them, and not a "proper" Yamaha YZF250... (that sticker kit and YZF plastics were totally worth it.. :D)

Suspension was the obvious big difference to the bike. Anyone who has ridden or owned a YZF400, will know you need to push the things hard to get the most from the suspension, and it's no different with the Blitz. Hoeys did a great job with the shock, and it's action and performance is similar to the stock YZF400 shock, without the adjustability. Trailride this thing, and it will buck around, and feels harshly sprung. Get up it, and it will fly, and the suspension will happily soak up anything you can throw at it. The only thing i didnt try, was it's dune-jumping ability, due to the dunes at "our place" being over-run with drunk idiots on banshees and 4wds. (the missus thanks you, idiots...) Over fast, rough and rolling tracks, the Blitz now really shines, and is quicker than it should be... Just ask the blokes who got pwned on their jap and euro mxers by an old fat bloke on a china 250... ha ha ha ha!
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Solutions, fixes and problems

I've come to the conclusion this is how you make an average Blitz into the Blitzkrieg model.
Dont bother with the stock bike... do these mods as soon as you get one...
Carby: 26mm OKO Flatslide. #k39 pilot jet, #97-100 mainjet. ***When fitting the OKO, it's a tight and tricky proposition. i found out that by ondoing the top mount of the shock, and swinging it back out of the way, carby access and fitment of the OKO is an absolute breeze. Totally worth the 5 minutes it takes to remove the seat and side covers.***
Muffler: cut 125mm off the end. re-attach end cap.
Suspension: Turf the stock stuff. Go on ebay, source a YZF400 top triple clamp, front wheel, and fork legs. Bolt them all on, and never look back.
Rear suspension i am yet to sort out. While the action of the rear shock is good, the build quality is not. it will blow, and be difficult to repair sucessfully. I'm going to replace my rear end components (shock, linkages etc) with YZF items. stay tuned for details on that one...

These mods alone, make for quite a weapon in the bush. Is the Blitz now a capable MX bike? not really... is it a good trailbike in the bush? Hell yes. i managed to get around a few jap 450's with it, so yeah, performance increase is pretty epic... power is probably a 15-20% gain, and suspension is probably a 50% gain in capability...

Oh, i did try the 28mm OKO flatslide as well. the top end gain in power was even more marked than the 26mm, but trying to tune the idle and bottom end was a pain... While the outright power using the 28mm was higher, it didnt allow the steady idle, strong response and seamless jetting stream that was afforded by the 26mm...

I got sick of the stock throttle pretty quickly, which wasnt returning when let go, and was a very stiff unit to turn... off came the alloy 1/4turn from the 140, and on it went with the Blitz. Straight away this made the bike feel more responsive, require less rider input, and generally more comfortable to ride. win/win situation really... :D

All in all, the mods i've performed on my Blitz, have totally transformed the bike from a heavy, underperforming china that was really only much good for little squirts around the camp, into a very capable, great handling bush bike. it's quick, comfortable, reliable, and the handling now gets better and better the harder you push it.. Bright yellow plastics aside, the BlitzKreig V2.0 is quite the weapon. Do all the mods i have, and for around $2k, you will have a bike capable of beating a KLX or XR250 through the scrub, but with the added capability of being able to jump a fair bit better, if you can source the YZF suspension parts...
Best part is, i know have the pics and vids to prove these things can be made to circulate very quickly... :D
Blitzcornerspeed.flv video by thump_140 - Photobucket
Blitz.flv video by thump_140 - Photobucket
Blitzduneclimb.flv video by thump_140 - Photobucket
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Mr cool with his sunnies, i hate riding with sunnies on just feels dangerous

You have now steped up from homo, coz you run the best gribs out!
You mean 2K plus the cost of the bike?
If so arnt you better off going jap?
Nah peter, $2k including the cost of the bike. I have so far spent about $500 on top of the bike's initial purchase cost...
YZF suspension parts can be found surprisingly cheap (under $300 for a front end) on ebay...

Mr cool with his sunnies, i hate riding with sunnies on just feels dangerous

You have now steped up from homo, coz you run the best gribs out!

Mate, i know!!! i normally hate riding in just sunnies, but it was bright and sunny, and i couldnt see a thing!!! (gotta love old flashburn injuries coming back to haunt you...)

And yeah, deathgrips are killer.. :D
cheers thump* that would be great, wen i get a bit of time off work i will drop ya a pm and organise somthing with ya.

just curious does it hav to be a 99model yzf front end? or is there a year range in the yzf that i can choose from?