cheers thump* that would be great, wen i get a bit of time off work i will drop ya a pm and organise somthing with ya.
just curious does it hav to be a 99model yzf front end? or is there a year range in the yzf that i can choose from?
No it doesnt HAVE to be a 99 YZF400, i used one, cause i have a 99 YZF400 sitting next to the Blitz, and could measure it all before trying the conversion... I've suggested using the 99 model parts, cause they are a simple bolt on swap. Other year models, or even other brands of bikes could fit, but someone else will have to do the measuring up. If you can do all the measurements, you may find other parts will fit.... I'm not sure of the '00 YZF426, as i believe the offset used on the forks, and thus the triple clamps are different to the 99 model 400... same with the 99 YZ two strokes... not sure... would have to be measured, and sadly i'm not that much of a walking wikipedia that i can quote upper and lower fork leg diameters, and triple clamp offsets for seperate year models... lol..
And yeah mate, drop us a PM anytime you want, we'll organise a shed day, can kill all the problems in one hit..
Hey awesome work on the review! Just myself one of these blitz 250's and after 5yrs on the kx250f and rmz250, I'm wanting more from this little bad boy. I heard about a few mods to do but need some clarification.
The carby jets.. What's best and wher can I get them?
The airbox hole mod... What size do I cut?
The CDI upgrade.. Are the eBay ones any good?
Is it worth changing to a hi-power coil pack?
Any other tips wld b greatly appreciated!!!
Hey AtomikDrew, yeah the mods in the thread above pretty much cover all the basic stuff you can do to the Blitz to get a bit more performance out of it, and you'll be surprised at the increase just the Flatslide and Muffler mod offer...
Carby jets for the stock carby. Dont bother, you cant tune top end power into the blitz with the stock carby...
Turf the stock carby, and buy a 26mm OKO flatslide and 1/4 turn throttle. Start off with a #k39 pilot jet, and a #K98 or #K100 mainjet. Needle jet on the middle clip.
Dont bother with a 28mm OKO, while the top end rips pretty hard, it's not worth it for the crap idle, and poor bottom end response.
you wont need to cut the airbox if you go with the OKO Flatslide... However if you persist with the stock carby, i cut about a 50X50mm square hole in the side of the airbox..
As for the CDI upgrade, yeah i found it worthwhile... tested back to back with the stock one, the Ebay CDI worked better. Stronger spark, higher redline, and didnt break down in the higher revs... cheap upgrade that's worthwhile basically...

As for other tips, well mate, pretty much this entire thread after the initial review is full of tips and hints as to upgrading the blitz.. you should be able to find something in there to get a bit more out of your bike.