So where are you living? I thought there was no hills in mansfield park?
Bellevue Heights mate! I wouldnt live in Mansfield park if someone paid me....we ended up scoring a pretty nice place just around off the main road from the eden hills place!! Pit bike would last about 4 seconds in a shed down at Mansfield'd pretty mcuh have to build a solid concrete bunker to keep them safe and even then I'd expect them to be gone if I was away for 24hrs or more!!! WOOOO HOOO WE HAVE INTERNET AGAIN TOO!!!
yea a few mm's wont hurt,
i'd leave enough to run a hose off it still, otherwise it might start peeling the black paint
it could be a float level problem, or air getting in somewhere else too
maybe pull the slide out, then the cable off and try lowering the needle clip down to the bottom notch and see if it improves
Haha yeah, I just remember Raelene saying she had a house there.
could it be the float level is set a little low? looking good tho mate![]()
might be worth adding another gasket and seeing if it fixes the leak
do you have an cereal boxes you can make one out of ?
o ok, do you have any clearances issues on the frame or tank? that could be putting a little pressure on the carb and manifold.... but definitely try thicker gasket