Are we a pac of meat heads?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
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Sunshine Coast Queensland
I was looking up some info about Beerburrum forest and come across a dirt bike forum Singling out pitbike and mx riders as meat heads apparently we're single handedly closing down these single tracks down because we're unregisted and uninsured.

Speaking for myself and the few I ride with, we like riding at the moto parks but theres only so much park riding one can do before it gets old. So we go trail riding to mix it up a bit, I never knew we were looked down on like this.
I mean half of these selfrighteous *******s dont even stick to the fire trails wich means there also riding illegally and uninsured (3rd party)anyway.

Are we truly the irresponcible meat heads for not owning big registable bikes or are we just a minority being singled out?

Some one has to be to blame. If its not the un registered bikes getting picked on its the 4wd users.
I feel the whole world has become "politicaly correct" to the point where it is effecting the reasonable judgement of the people who make the laws, they are over regulating society but the problem with that is they cant enforce the law this leads to the law being repeatedly broken and different groups of people ie the 4x4's the horse riders the big bike riders or pit bike riders becomeing resentfull of the people that "annoy" them... I think there are way too many laws i say bring back the old values where you dont act like a **** and have some common respect and just let people live their lives and if they wanna go ride bikes in the forrest then why the hell not......

Well said Kanga. I used to only ride motocross, on tracks that were endorsed by MA and were run by not for profit clubs. Cant even do that anymore as all the local clubs are getting closed down or have been closed because of a whinging minority getting their way. That is one thing I dont understand. People moving into property in close proximity to a motocross track,motorsport complex, making a bunch of noise cos it doesnt suit them, and the council giving in to them because they are rate paying residents. Totally wrong, and something needs to be done about it. The problem is, these situations are going to continue to arise and nothing will change. Sad.
the sad thing is nothing is goin to change.... dirt bikes are seen noisy, messy machines that destroy the tranquility of peoples weekends..... Now i always thought you could do what you want on your property you own.. turns out you cant, not even during the day... if anyone in ear shot can hear your bike and doesnt like it then makes a complaint.. the police will come round and tell you that you cant ride your bike on your own land... and if you keep doing it the police can impound your bike.... i know a guy who built a track on his 30 acres for his son who is going pro with riding... now he needs to send a face the day before a practice to the police so that his son can get track time.... even then he is only allowed to ride within certain times... there was a time he wouldnt stand for complaints and told his son to ride anyway.. the bike got impounded and him arrested for "obstruction of justice"... pppfffttt i say.. but it only takes one douche in the area to mess up everything..
the people to blame are the ******s that ride/drive in forests have accidents then sue everyone..

there pathetic
the people to blame are the ******s that ride/drive in forests have accidents then sue everyone..

there pathetic

Here here, public liability has @#?=ed this country because like my mate said the ******s that sue everybody.
those guys who bagged anyone are just idiots, but there is a serious issue with people feeling that nothing is ever their fault. and we are learning it off the americans. there is always someone else to blame. and its about now i wish i was a lawyer, because I would be a flippin millionaire.

its not my fault my kid is fat, its the governments fault, for allowing companies to make fatty foods, and for letting sony import the playstation cos all he does all day is sit on his fat ass and eat donuts, so when he climbs a tree and breaks it, and falls on a kid and kills them, I will sue some other poor prick coz its not my fault.

end rant.
Anyone complaining that they can't rec reg their pit bike needs to get off their ar$e and do some research, there are plenty of rec reg kits available and rec reg is cheap!

You're not a meat head for "not owning big registable bikes", you're a meat head for failing to research the issue. If you are doing something illegal that negatively effects an entire group, you're a meat head.

Public liability doesn't come in to play, you cannot sue the government if you crash while riding on state owned land on an unregistered bike.

That said, the whole nanny state issue is complete BS.
there is no Recreational Registration available in SA for pit bikes....
Or in QLD... we have to live like outlaws up here...

from what I've heard and seen on the sunshine coast there is a full registered 125cc pitty not sure what it is but I've seen him a few times pretty sure u need bike license for em and apparently u have to buy em with everything pre fitted eg. Lights spedo
we have no rec rego here in nsw i ride on private property witch lol isnt mine nor is it crow land iv noticed alote of people riding there . two weeks ago a bunch of !@#$ heads showed up on the piss one bloke came off and broke both his legs and its stuffed it for us who do the right thing , but on the bright side hasnt stopped me from building my track there
We have rec rego in nsw but limited to where it covers us. The only place I know of is stockton beach. We cant ride in national parks or state forrests with rec rego as far as im aware.
oh i didnt know that but can we hit crown land with it

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