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Now i carnt even start it, do you think its to do with the fuel? I noticed a tiny bit of fuel on the outside of fuel filter which must of just come out but there is fuel getting to the carb and i took carb apart and cleaned this morning before i put new fuel lines and filter on
Before when i was tying to start it i forgot to do up the neck thing which goes into the intake manifold tight, which was when i was making a sqeaking noise now i did it tight it wont start
so there was a vacuum leak, kind of a high pitch whistle/squeal ?

you lost me with the neck thing ?
you need to be careful you don't over tighten the carby to manifold bolts, it can warp the carbys' mounting face a little bit and cause vacuum leaks.
Sorry i forgot name of intake manifold and was just going to say neck thing, i think the problem was the intake manifold being loose cause i just did them hand tight then forgot to tighten. But now it wont start and ive tightend up the bolts now
yeah the oil should be ok, most take 10W40, 15W40 is a touch thicker.

so manifold to head bolts were loose ?
could the gasket have broken/torn ?
Yea the store didnt have 10-40w , and the gasket is torn yes but last time i rode it was broken aswell and bike ran. Should i try take gasket off and refit it and see if it works?
Tryed that it didnt work. Bikes not fireing even with throttle doesnt even give any hint of starting :((
you didn't bump the kill switch? or the coil wiring ?
Nah its all sweet .. Thanks for your help again man really appriciate it
Im really stumped. It was starting when i left the bolts loose by accident. Then i went got new oil. And tryed to start and it wouldn't even start then i tightened bolts which made no difference
have you checked for a nice blue/white spark ?
plug the plug out, and hold the threads against the head, then kick it over

if it has spark it must be fuel related.
whilst you were taking your carb apart, did you take the float off or move it ? the reason i ask is that its very easy to damage a float. e.g like small cracks, nicks from screw drivers, etc.
i would check your float for any holes or cracks. just put it in water, and see if any bubbles arise
i reckon it would be something simple if it's sounding like it's not going to run.

could be that the throttle cable isn't sitting down into the carby top properly ?
could be the slide was put back facing the wrong way ?

take the air filter off and check that the slide is sitting down near the bottom of the bore

if the manifold to head gasket is torn, it may be causing a leak there still?
you could always make one from an old cereal box, or thin piece of cardboard, use the old one as a template
Hey guys gonna check that stuff in an hour or two. ( dont wana piss off the neibours) couple questions tho. Ive got a big air bubble in my fuel filter which takes up most of the filter. How do i get rid of this or will it go away cause its stopping fuel from getting to carb i think or when engines running will it just suck the fuel down? And what do you do with your old oil? Thanks guys cheers
old oil can be recycled , maybe try your local council ?
or put it in an old plastic bottle and throw it out.

with your fuel filter, do you have a link to one the same or a pic ?
do you have enough hose to be able to mount the filter sideways ?

or you could try opening the drain screw on the bottom of your carby, let some fuel flow out and see if it fills the filter then.
i don't think it would cause a problem though, cars and lawnmowers also do it

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