Banned ****** of the Century
Does it come with a carby tuned for it?
nope, unfortunately thats not going to help.
Check out my PitPro 2008 build(in signature below) I basically went through the entire engine before I fired it up for the first time once I got it home. Call me cautious but you probably need to spend some time going through it top to bottom and 'looking' at things and making sure they're in perfect working order. I found some pretty interesting things, like hardly any engine oil about 200ml of think black oil. It should have about a litre in it. The spark plug was a hotter plug....and looked like it hadnt been replaced for about 2-3 years...Air filter was actually 50% blocked up with dirt and gunk. Any one of those things could be affecting the bike, even mud after a ride on the air filter....
Hope that helps but check the build out to show you what I did with a second hand bike!
Does it have a fuel filter on it? That may be clogged. It could be almost anything, especially from the looks of that plug the guy you got it from didnt do a whole heap of maintenance on it!!