beerwuh pineforest Fun ride

Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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Yehp Safety gear well Bring full gear if you got it As your safety is very importent.
just spoke to my mates yesterday when we were out riding in the mud.. and they all seem keen.. looks like we will have about 4 x 138s, 1 x 140 mini... so we should be right for the dates.. just hope we can realyl make it this time
Yeh me too becuase me and reece have a awsome suprise install for everyone who come's ^^ but until the day you wont know what it is ^^
You will be glad you did, this aint no little suprise ^^
Lol yehp well dont get to overexighted on the day becuase i dont want you scarying them away...
Scored meself a smiko 2nd hand AGB21 so i dont have to risk bendin the zed:D
Just got deicde if i part it to fix the 29 or ride it as is :rolleyes:
lol custom you made me Scream i couldnt find the thread but when i got on the 5th page i saw it at the top and that it was stickied and i fell to the ground luaghing lol Thanks bud this will make it alot easier to get more riders ^^
yeh thanks mate.


As it looks folks we have around 20+ people coming but that is a good reason for more people to come. well make this a epic day ^^
Hey mate i would luc 2 come 4 a ride ive got a ddr 200 but its mid size so it wont over bear the pitties so i think my shoulder should be ready by then so if u could pm me with the road and how u get there coming from brizzie that would b great as i have not been 2 that area b4 but i will bring food and drinks or if its easier u can call me on 0416 941 051