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and thanks for picking me up on the stupid coment dont wat to be to be turning out like you
Play nice boys or i will get a moderator in here & open a can of WHooppachow!!!
some1 lock this thread...its out of control...good value but out of control....

k3pdmn....youd notice by now there are a million threads regarding "what bike should i get" do everyone a favor and read them... the bikes you have described so far have all been disgusted and if they havent then they have in this thread....

try this it works wonders
hmmm...sean if it was that simple why not tell me from the begingg? but any way dosent matter any more...shut down this thred thanks to tyd the idiot...

sorry boyz all i wanted was some helpfull infomation but that dident turn out to be the case
you got heaps of good feedback before the thread went bad...

and the reason im saying that now and not before is because your going in dont really know what ya want which makes it hard for us to comment...

you v had everyones honest opinion regarding what you could buy but yet your still asking...youv gone from an R1 to a 250 china bike
hmmm...sean if it was that simple why not tell me from the begingg? but any way dosent matter any more...shut down this thred thanks to tyd the idiot...

sorry boyz all i wanted was some helpfull infomation but that dident turn out to be the case

Yep, cause im the 15yo that wanted an R1...
yeh but as i mentioned above it was as i was scrolling through ebay...and yeh the info that i got was very helpfull from all the people that i got and i appricaiate the end of the day we can blame tyd....thanks to all