bought a 125cc..only to find out cant bore out cause its 110cc!!

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Jul 10, 2009
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i recently bought a what i thought was a 125cc but it turned out that it was only a 110cc!!!...yes i was pi$$$$ED!!..and the only reason i found this out was wheni decided to bore the head out..mean while a week earlier i bought anothe 125cc from the same people now i gotta find out if this one is a 110cc also!..does anyone know if this a common thing?? has any else come a cross this?.
what does it say on the block/bore/barrel what ever you want to call it... there should be some type of marking... 110/124/138?/140 etc
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and where did you buy it??? yes on the barrel it should say 125 or 110 and that'll verify it.
well the yes the you would think by looking the barrell you would now..but apparently its not the case i've been barrell has 124cc...but when it wa taken apart the mesurements were 52.4 bore and 49.5 for the stroke 107cc (or 110cc) correct??...i've spoken to the company and they will replce the motor with a lifan 15cc but the want me to send the motor back and pay for the shipping?? (right........). Depending on my conversation with them tomorrow and if i feel that im satisfied with the outcome i will decide weather i will take then too court for false advertising and misleading the public...i shall keep you guys posted on the out come...and will let you guys know the company name tmrw and the type of bike..but i would strongly suggest you get proper muesurements for your motor..
what's the engine number? right hand side under the gearshift
take 'em to coourt they have mislead the public so much(if you brought it off eBay) keep us posted on this!!!!
49.5 stroke? wtf? thats honda ct110 stroke....


but yes, asian engine cap markings are a bit... hopeful, to say the least...the 140s(55fmi) are a genuine 140, and the 150's....

the 52fmi(marked 124) should all be 119cc approx, and yada yada with the "140" 138's being 127cc...
(loncin, lifan, zongsheng, whatever...)

BUT most "110" or marked 107, should be that...107cc...

(can try my pissashitti with a barrel thats 10mm longer than the usual standard barrels....:p)

as for the false, most ppl that sell these bikes dont realise it themself.... buy em cheap, sell em off, make whatever profit is possible.... theyd just send you on to their suppliers that sold them first.... courts a waste of time n money...
Yeah well whats written on the barrel is 124cc the serail on the bike is 152fmh (110cc right?) ??...but what ever really i wanted a 125cc i didn't get that end of story is false adverting, fraud them cheap sell cheap fair enough bu sell the right stuff and know your product...i apprecaite your imput on my dilema headsmess, but im in this situation not yourself and if I feel that I'm not happy with the resolution they put forward to me i will take the matter further. I payed for a 125 i want a 125 not a 110 not a 140, 150 etc......
yea man they should be sending you a lifan 125, end of story...........
if they want you to pay to have the 110 sent back then that's f@#ked up. they're ripping you off and taking you for a fool, if they had any respect for you or the business they're trying to run they'd let you keep the the 110 and give you the 125 that you paid for.
give 'em hell mate and let us know how it goes,
how far away are you from their shop? if it's only 5hours or less you should go down there and tell 'em how it is
so y should he keep the 110 and get a 125 sent to him for free?...
if the engines still selable as new THEY should pay for shiping back and send a 125 as you payed for...
mate no offence but i think ul be laughed at in court... what it was 200? and to post it back to get ur 125 you will have to pay about $23 postage to send an engine.
if the engines still selable as new THEY should pay for shiping back and send a 125 as you payed for...
yep that's completely reasonable if they want it back

I agree taking them to court is overkill
well its two motors acutally i bought a second bike from the same people a week before i went to get the motor yeah its...and if thats the case how many bikes have they sold like this or are currently selling???....i mean really think about it??....and why should i pay for shipping becasue they didn't check what they were sending??? is that my fault?...i paid for shipping already for two different bikes that both have not come with the motor which was advertised!...why would i get laughed at in court people go to court for all kinds of things like dogs barking too much etc...thank you all for your opions and imput...but like i said in the situation and i will take it as far as i can till i feel satisfied with the resolution they put forward...all i want is a 125 for each bike like it was suppose to be and i don't want to pay for postage sending the 110's back...its not like im asking them for a full refund..i only want what i paid for
people go to court for all kinds of things like dogs barking too much etc..

that's because they're absolute ******s (I'm not calling you one)

but court should be a last resort

just show them you mean buissness and they'll give you what you paid for, If that fails take them to court I guess but I can't see it coming to that if you go about this the right way

what it was 200? and to post it back to get ur 125 you will have to pay about $23 postage to send an engine.
I's not always about money matt, it's the principle. they f@#ked him around so why should he pay for postage? even if it is only $23
exactly!!! its about principals!!...your right court is a last resort im not going there straight away like i said if im not happy with their resolution i will look at other avenues...from what i can see its very possible that alot of other people have bought the same bike and may not be aware that they didn't get what they paid for.
keep us updated cause i know someone else who has had the same problem, he bought a 140 and only recieved a 125 lifan, its pretty riddiculas !! the funny thing is i rekon only a small amount of people would actually pick up on it, half the people probably cant tell the difference and got scammed extra money. ive always gone with honda, but i was thinkin of goin china due to the hondas gettin stolen and a lack on funds, that will be the first thing i check ! ! !
hope all goes well man and u get the right engine
You can threaten to take them to the Consumer Affairs Department aka Fair Trading Dept ... Also email them a link to this thread and tell 'em they'll be ..."Named and shamed" ... Then if that fails there's A Current Affair and Today Tonight ... and maybe even Rove ... We might even see Miniriders on ACA or TT ... LOL ...

When you buy an engine , it's easy to tell if it's a 107/110 because most of those engines only have weak 6 mm cylinder studs ... 120 and up engines NEED 8 mm studs to handle the extra compression ... With Lifan engines it's easy to tell if you have a genuine 140/150 from the engine #'s plus they have longer 80 mm cylinders ... 120/125/127/"138" have 78 or 79 mm cylinders (CBF checking) ...

The "138" engines are a rip off ... They are 120 motors with a 54 mm bore to bring them up to 127.1 cc ... The genuine Lifan 1P52FMI start in gear "Super" 125 engines with the vertical finned bare alloy cylinders are only 120's with a barrel that's marked 124cm3 ... I know 100% because I bought one from the seller of Pitpros ...

It was the same situation as the topic of this thread ... I pulled it down as soon as I got it to check the bore x stroke and found it was the same cc's as the 120 "Monster" Lifan that we bought off him a few months before ... I was cheesed off because I wanted a genuine 125 cc engine since I already had a 120 ... The 120 engine was shady too as the engine model # was 156FMI and it had a 1D3UP tranny ... but at least it had 120 cc cast on the cylinder ... I contacted the guy and at first he tried to make out I was wrong so I bet him that I keep the motor for free plus get a full refund if I was right and he could nominate someone he trusted and I'd personally take the engine to them along with my depth micrometers and a set of Mitutoyo dial guage verniers ... He instantly got cold feet and changed his ebay listing from "125" to 120 ... He had just started listing "138" Lifans which suckers were bidding over $500 plus for ... so I said I'll send the "125" back and get one of those but he instantly said "YOU won't be happy with the power of one of those , they haven't got much more power than the "125" we're getting REAL genuine Lifan 140's soon ". Ha Ha ... he knew I'd pull it down to check and find out that they're only 127.1 cc ... so he'd have even MORE problems ...

I'd say that sellers over here have told Lifan to fudge the cc's because the 120's weren't selling very well ... wheareas a simple number change on the cylinder and they started flying out the doors again ... The "138"s were a REAL joke since the cc's looked like they were centre punched onto the cylinders by hand ...
Well here's my lil story to add as well

bought what was supposed to be 1p52fmi with confirmation from seller yes its a genuine lifan ,lol

saw the No. as thought yup should be fine
got motor ,1p54fmi wtf emailed seller ,told story showed pics ,seller came through and kept me happy ,or i could have sent it back at his choice to get exchange or refund

i wont name seller but i was looked arfter and the motor purrs so im happy ,and it was very very cheap :)

he has or they have since changed the listing

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