busted my knee!!!!!!

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VCM B Grade 2013 Champion
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
no fixed aboud
well i've done it i've finally hert myself

i'll start from the top
i went riding yesterday with greg from buzz bikes and a few of his crew
we went out to his mechanics place he has a private property out there
had an absolute perler of a day untill me and greg started hitting this tabletop thing side by side
we got a couple of good shots out of it
but the last time i hit the jump i lost traction and come off the lip all squirally and of cause out of instinct
i put me foot down first and hyper extended my knee .....ouch and many other profanity's came flowing from my gob

so apart from some serious bruising i dont think i've done to much damage
i can put weight on my leg though not much

do ya reckon it's busted or what i'm goin to the doc's today just to get it checked and a how long note
i wil let ya know what the outcome is

here's some pics of the knee



left knee if you cant guess

p.s sexy legs ha
you'll be fine that ain't Sh!t... lol mine was twice that size when i can up short in the foam pit, i thought i was done for but after a few weeks of limping around i could ride again!!! & my other knee hurts more now,,


pps you know Buzz'z bikes in albury? i sell a few bits & piece's to those boyz they would know me as Luke From BBI :)
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looks sore i did the ball in my right elbow on the weekend went to docs the had to get an x ray i have to go back to the doc at 2.30 so my fun riding in now over to
Pink undies for life hahaha.

Did your knee make a crack noise?

I would go to a chiropractor if I were you.
the chicks luv pink boxers
na they red but hey
and you really dont know do ya sid a cyrodoctors wont do **** for a busted knee

anyway shouldn't you be at school stop wagging and do somthin with yourself
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na not buzz's
buzz bikes there in bayswater melbourne
sly 50's dealer pretty good people ha know there stuff
there on of the og's of pitbike racing in melbourne

knee is killimg me
Nah you'll be fine, I crashed a gokart really fast and hit the side of my knee really hard on the metal rod underneath the stearing wheel.

It was swolen and my knee was huge, I had to take painkillers 3 times a day to reduce the swelling. And I couldnt straighten my knee or bend it very much. Then I had to wear a wierd knee brace kinda thing that stopped it from moving and then I had to have x-rays, MRI scans and they found out it was a broken ligament and bone damage or somthing.

Wasnt that bad but it kept me off the bike for 2 or 3 weeks.
2-3 weeks is a long time
i dont know if i can go that long
hell i might have to blow the dust off the golf clubs mmmmmmm
no fun in that
and you really dont know do ya sid a cyrodoctors wont do **** for a busted knee

I used to have to go to a chiro 2 times a week. They will be able to help.
I think you mean a physio..

Chiro is a method of manipulation of the back and spine.. Wont do **** for a knee..

I have had 11 operations on my knee and went to physio every day for a year so I should know..
cyros will do pretty much anything muculoskelital, i had mine do me knee and shoulder
usually when i hurt myself i dont go anywhere unless i know it is serious! like my broken wrists which were obviously broken because they were not straight
yeah i'm still no a fan of chyro cracken bones and stuff cant be good for ya
i go physio they have been very helpful to me
Chiro would be the last place I would go if I was you. The first place I would go however is the FREEZER and get a big old ice pack on the sucker for 20 minutes or so (and do it 5 or 6 times a day until the swelling goes down) this will help regardless of what other damage may have been done to the joint. As a veteran of painful injuries the order is
1. ICE
2 Rest
3 Doctor
4 xray, ultrasound, scans etc
5 either phiso (if your lucky) or Orthapedic Surgeon (not so lucky)
1. done straight away
3. done
4. atheroscope 1pm tomorrow (thank god for private health insurance)
5. yet to be determined

but the doc was optimistic the arthroscope is just a check up at this stage hopefully
ive had 2 complete reco's on my left knee due to skateboarding, if the doc didnt pick anything up straight away chances are your fine, unless you have a split cartlidge but then id doubt u would be putting any pressure on it that soon, so im thinking u pulled some muscles

chiros???? gotta be kidding that would be the last place u would go for a knee injury, your knee is held together by muscle and ligament, i doubt a bone cracking doctor is gunna do jack, physio is the best u can do but i wouldnt waste your money till they see what the go is inside.
Dude youl be rite to ride in bout 7-10n days. i done the same thing bout 8 times on my right knee(torn acl). Mine can go while walking down the street. you should look at knee braces if you want to ride without the thought of the pain(and women say giving birth is painful:p ). You cant extend the knee any way its not meant to go.
Good luck
1. done straight away
3. done
4. atheroscope 1pm tomorrow (thank god for private health insurance)
5. yet to be determined

but the doc was optimistic the arthroscope is just a check up at this stage hopefully

Who is doing the atherscope? I had one on my shoulder and it was done by the surgeon under ansetic in a hospital. Either way if you have an atherscope you will need some Physio. Good luck with the knee.
Private health insurance is good but could be better. My shoulder still cost me plenty $$$$$ out of my own pocket.

I chose a top surgeon (cost 2k over what insurance would pay) and needed 6 months of daily phiso (the amount coverd by insurance ran out pretty quick) so I was out of pocket about 5K.
yea dude ur knee will be sweet soon enough, bout a year ago i broke the top of my tibia of and had my leg facing on a 45 degree angle to the rest of my leg. not fun.....15 weeks off the bike

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