VCM B Grade 2013 Champion
well i've done it i've finally hert myself
i'll start from the top
i went riding yesterday with greg from buzz bikes and a few of his crew
we went out to his mechanics place he has a private property out there
had an absolute perler of a day untill me and greg started hitting this tabletop thing side by side
we got a couple of good shots out of it
but the last time i hit the jump i lost traction and come off the lip all squirally and of cause out of instinct
i put me foot down first and hyper extended my knee .....ouch and many other profanity's came flowing from my gob
so apart from some serious bruising i dont think i've done to much damage
i can put weight on my leg though not much
do ya reckon it's busted or what i'm goin to the doc's today just to get it checked and a how long note
i wil let ya know what the outcome is
here's some pics of the knee
left knee if you cant guess
p.s sexy legs ha
i'll start from the top
i went riding yesterday with greg from buzz bikes and a few of his crew
we went out to his mechanics place he has a private property out there
had an absolute perler of a day untill me and greg started hitting this tabletop thing side by side
we got a couple of good shots out of it
but the last time i hit the jump i lost traction and come off the lip all squirally and of cause out of instinct
i put me foot down first and hyper extended my knee .....ouch and many other profanity's came flowing from my gob
so apart from some serious bruising i dont think i've done to much damage
i can put weight on my leg though not much
do ya reckon it's busted or what i'm goin to the doc's today just to get it checked and a how long note
i wil let ya know what the outcome is
here's some pics of the knee

left knee if you cant guess
p.s sexy legs ha