basicaly the way i see this as my mates do aswell. we dont stop for no cop car no matter what, ktm525 and ktm300exc cop bikes is a real challange.
but one time my 3rd chase a wile ago, 3 bikes 4 guys coming home from the skate park soccer oval muck around on the main road only way home. cop car sees us from a disttance. and i didnt notice til i saw the lights, my mate was on a 90cc semi-auto dinking my mate, haha, me 140 and my other mate cr125 on the side walk cop trys to drive on my mates had ran before i had let go of the clutch, so cop was after me, i had no chioce but to break the rules really bad, i jumped on the wrong side of the road with oncoming traffic in 3rd gear poping a wheelie as i got passed 2cars flicked it into 4th and my adrelin was really high and i had turned into the next street and slammed the front breaks and nearly hit a pole,(******* move, shod of used back breaks) and hid down the paddocks. cop went to my mates house and his street asking for a orange and black thumpstar, witch is me. and then i rang my mates to see if we were all free and we were and they said they herd me killing my bike down the main road. that night we all evaded $1500fine each.. at 9:00at night daylight saving time