Cops Are Cracking Down On The Central Coast

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ya i am but small town everybody knows everybody lol i knew the pig that was chacing me as we have run into each other when me and my mates are runnig a muck after leaving pub lol she new it was me but just couldnt pin it on me as i had me helm and gear on plus a few of me mates started talkin about it and thats how she found out
i walked outa the pub and she was there dealing with some roudy blokes and said to me if ya want ya bike meet me at the cop shop in 20min so i did and she gave it back to me and said if i hear a bike goin tonight ill arrest you and then i just pushed it to me old mans i was very lucky and wont be doin it agian any time soon lol
yer thats fair enuf bro my dads already given me a rule he said if u ride ur bike on the road ill take the angle grinder to it so im just ganna be riding up in bush and dirt areas it more fun there anyways :)
ya much more fun but the adrenaline rush you get is unbelievable i tell ya
yer i know wat u mean man cause when i go riding with my mate we go down a couple of minutes past his court and there is just open space everywhere and there is an estate going in so there is a security guard driving around in his car and we just mind our own business till one day the guy chased us in his car so were like na stuff this were ganna give him crap so we rode past him and i waterbombed thru his window ahahaha

Bah haha this is my new fav pic...... lol he look bad ass yo
hey guys i have had the same problem lats year in december i bought a 250cc pitty just to muck around on off ebay.and i went down to mill park in melbourne and the guy talked me in to taking it for test ride up to the end of the court so i did and i got to the end of the courtjust turning around and the cops come around the corner and arested me and 3 hours later they cgov me a 5 year good behavior bond. its really gay here in mildura because the cops have done the same thing hear no where to ride so i have diside to try and get a pitty club he in mildura there really making it hard for every one
cheers shaun
he looks like the kinda person that thinks there all hard but i bet ya if he got on one of those bikes he would poo his pants lol
i live on the central coast like 15 mins away from where the guy in the article crashed. and there is bush near where he crashed, he was on his way home from riding in the bush. and he had only had the bike for like 2 weeks or so. I sometimes have to ride on road every now n again to get the riding spots. but i have all the protective gear and just putt on the side. I think he must have been doing something wrong, because when ever ive had to ride on the road i just cant comprehend how i could have a head on with a car. he must have been riding on the actual road and on the wrong side of it.
he was like doing as fast as it can go and supposively the car pulled out in front of him with out any lights on and yer i live like 5 mins probly less where bouts u live little brucey u seem to kno the area of saratoga do you the tracks in yattalunga?
I live in Bensville. and ride at kincumber/macmasters, in boudi national park. havnt seen cops there yet. I have only ridden once at yattalunga on my mtb like, 2 years ago.
all comes down to what sought of person you are.

you cant stop it. people just need to learn, and sometimes the only way is to have a near death experience.
true that man its the only way people are ganna leanr and its the way where they nearly end up thru a car wind shield before they figure out o maybe i shouldnt of ridden on the road
basicaly the way i see this as my mates do aswell. we dont stop for no cop car no matter what, ktm525 and ktm300exc cop bikes is a real challange.
but one time my 3rd chase a wile ago, 3 bikes 4 guys coming home from the skate park soccer oval muck around on the main road only way home. cop car sees us from a disttance. and i didnt notice til i saw the lights, my mate was on a 90cc semi-auto dinking my mate, haha, me 140 and my other mate cr125 on the side walk cop trys to drive on my mates had ran before i had let go of the clutch, so cop was after me, i had no chioce but to break the rules really bad, i jumped on the wrong side of the road with oncoming traffic in 3rd gear poping a wheelie as i got passed 2cars flicked it into 4th and my adrelin was really high and i had turned into the next street and slammed the front breaks and nearly hit a pole,(******* move, shod of used back breaks) and hid down the paddocks. cop went to my mates house and his street asking for a orange and black thumpstar, witch is me. and then i rang my mates to see if we were all free and we were and they said they herd me killing my bike down the main road. that night we all evaded $1500fine each.. at 9:00at night daylight saving time