^^ but you will find that coppers arnt as silly as you may think and they do know that trick(they were on P plates to once) hard to believe but they were!
chances are more new rules regarding the display of P plates will come in, something along the lines of if a P plate is not displayed then a 3 demerit point loss will be given to the driver of the veichle along with a $200 fine. or similar. under the antisocial(hoon laws) they may even have the power to impound the car( as the driver/p plater) is blatently breaking the rules, you know when your P plate is displayed or if its not, the same as you know (well should) know if you have safe tyres/breaks. common sense(which ALOT of young people lack) will play a HUGE part in these laws. the current crop of P platers coming onto the roads with the new laws will be the decider as to if the new laws stay or go i would think. Follow them and obey them they may become soemwhat more forgiving over time, break them and blatently disobey them and chances are they will become more strict and harsher.