damn road rules.READ IT

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once more it think living in tassie has pulled through once again but to be honest it aint a bad idea from the government..

if my brother only had one passenger in the car the last night he was coming home in his commo he wouldn't of ridden it off and gave a scare to the pissed and baked c**ts in the back and maybe would be in less debt atm..

but if we all drove real cars like utes then we wouldnt have this probblem ey =D 3 at the max ;)
its a real probblem that needs to be fixed and people are gunna keep dieing until somethings done and yeh its not all P platers.. there are probbly many of them that could drive 50 times better that have the idiots with their full licence but what can you do.. maybe picking off individual drivers that do hoon and f**k it up for others is what needs to be done but then i spose ppl are gunna whine about that too when it happends to them..

what ever is done theres are always gunna be the ppl that it affects that arnt gunna be happy and thats what happends and all the dikheads that screw it up for the others need to look at them selfs and seriously grow up..

thats what i have to say now.. im on l's now and yeh some of you would go yeh pfft but thats my two cents werth.. maybe talk to me next year when i get my p's and i hope my views dont change.. i certainly don't wanna be the person that was responsibly for killin 3 of my mates and injuring one or something like that but maybe some do?

who knows, lifes pritty strange sometimes..
i say we the public of australia, take over and govern this country...
im no longer on my p's, but i see it this way.
youll start to notice that p platers wont display the 'p' plate and tacking a risk just to drive there mates around. when i had my p plates i never had them displayed to begin with as they were and are cop bait in a modified car. just had it sitting on the parcel shelf and if i got pulled over oops it must have fell down sorry officer. worked everytime.
my brother got pulled over by the same cop every week when he had is skyline, i told him to take down the p plates and what do you know. copper didnt even take any notice.

just my 2c
^^ but you will find that coppers arnt as silly as you may think and they do know that trick(they were on P plates to once) hard to believe but they were!

chances are more new rules regarding the display of P plates will come in, something along the lines of if a P plate is not displayed then a 3 demerit point loss will be given to the driver of the veichle along with a $200 fine. or similar. under the antisocial(hoon laws) they may even have the power to impound the car( as the driver/p plater) is blatently breaking the rules, you know when your P plate is displayed or if its not, the same as you know (well should) know if you have safe tyres/breaks. common sense(which ALOT of young people lack) will play a HUGE part in these laws. the current crop of P platers coming onto the roads with the new laws will be the decider as to if the new laws stay or go i would think. Follow them and obey them they may become soemwhat more forgiving over time, break them and blatently disobey them and chances are they will become more strict and harsher.
^^ hehehe, i wasnt going to admit to that, so SHH!! but yeh i have lost my license for numerous offences.. wont go into detail but did you know you can blow over the legal DD limit and still be able to drive away!! cost is a little steep but to see the look on the charging officers faces is priceless! just make sure you have enough points on your ticket to be able to drive! 10 in one hit is NASTY.
hahaha been keepin em banked up for one night where you couldnt afford the taxi?
not great but hey 10 points in one hit haha nice effort =D
My proudest moment was when I first got my licence and I was in my first brand new car, overtaking an unmarked cop car doing 180 in a 60 zone -that was about 15yrs ago and learned a few important lessons since then. One was the fine second was the instant loss of licence/lack for freedom/paying for a car I couldn’t drive. Had the new rules been around I would have been in the lock up for dangerous driving, lost my car & licence etc etc. Hindsight is a bitch.
so if you get your licence before july you will be alowed to carry passengers?