Damn you dad!

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How would you like it if your parents said you could get a bike, then you do all your research, buy all the gear, save up the money, then they say that you cant buy one with your OWN money. Then you buy one then he locks it up in the shed saying i either have to sell it or he'll give it away. I am going to be a diesel fitter in a year and a half and i would like to have some experience, because at the moment i know nothing

Just had a quick read of your rant then..

So what gear did you go out and buy? If you went out and brought, boots, pants, jersey, helmet and goggles - I'm pretty sure your 'rents are going to be knowing you're going to be buying a bike...

But I am more or less in Troys situation, but mostly Coolies, I had to buy all my **** myself..

But saying that, my dad brought me my first bike when I was only knee high to a grasshopper. (PeeWee50) then when I got too big for that I jumped on a cr80. I stopped riding for a year or 2 then got back into riding, that's when I have paided for all my bikes and now had to buy a ute so I can get around easier and not have to rely on just my dad..

Sorry guys, just 'venting' lmao.
Its not like dad ever spends any time with me anyway, he goes to brisbane for atleast 3 or more days every week. Its the school holidays, my parents work full time so im stuck at home with nothing to do, so i bought a motorbike to occupy myself, pretty sure that is a better lifestyle than sitting infront of a computer all day.

this changes your situation a bit i think... just think what your dad is going to be thinking while he is away.. can he ride, does he wear all his gear and a helmet etc etc...

mate i guess whats playing on his mind the most is getting that phone call no parent wants to get... hey your son was just hit by a car and is now in a coma or even worse..DEAD..

mate have you ever thought that your dad may have lost a relative or close friend from a moto accident...

give him some credit mate, cause i doubt he just doesnt want you to have one for no reason...

but also, yes he needs to give you some time and then maybe he can see your ability to ride and it may set him at ease
Yep what sean said you have to think of these things before hand... before you n your dad have a argument
lets just make this the vent against fathers thread....
My dad won't buy me a new dirt bike like all my friends have......lol jk Im grateful for the bike I have
especially after the amount of money dad just spent getting it fixed
man I love my dad

I think you should show your dad you can ride and maybe show him your safety gear and most of all show RESPONSIBILITY and wash the bike ever ride do oil ect
I wash my bike every ride,change the oil every if not every second ride,I clean the air filter every ride and check the plug ect
Just show good maintainance and it makes you old a bit more inclined to fork out if the bike does blow up or need repairing
lol its probly just ur mum sayinn to ur dad that ur gonna get hurt and dont want u riding bikes :L mum my always does that :/
Just had a quick read of your rant then..

So what gear did you go out and buy? If you went out and brought, boots, pants, jersey, helmet and goggles - I'm pretty sure your 'rents are going to be knowing you're going to be buying a bike...

But I am more or less in Troys situation, but mostly Coolies, I had to buy all my **** myself..

But saying that, my dad brought me my first bike when I was only knee high to a grasshopper. (PeeWee50) then when I got too big for that I jumped on a cr80. I stopped riding for a year or 2 then got back into riding, that's when I have paided for all my bikes and now had to buy a ute so I can get around easier and not have to rely on just my dad..

Sorry guys, just 'venting' lmao.

Thats the thing, mum owed me money so i went to her work and asked for it to buy motorbike gear for the bike im gunna buy and she was like sure
P.S im not arguing with dad or anything, im just gunna let it work itself out, he took the kickstart off the bike but i had already ordered a new one coz mine was bent :/ and i dont think dad is concerned about my riding abilities because we have had bikes before.
just keep it!, my rents bought me my first bike a crummy little 4 speed 50cc motor in a frame that i swear was welded up in some chinese blokes shed. the footpegs were welded straight onto the frame but it was fun:), going on my own little rant her. Bought everything myself since for moto's and i even managed to get 20 bucks for the 50cc motor after 5 years of total hell!, it didnt run and the gearbox blew up...

anyway if your dad has lost a close relative/friend it is understandable my mum was like this about getting me a moto as my dad used to race all sorts of motos when he was younger and broke most bones in his body doing it....eventually mum cooled off about it and came to her senses!
the proposition i was given was go nuts on the dirt, but never touch the roads as even if your the worlds best rider, your more likley to be taken out by a car

hope you get to keep it and keep riding motos for a long time to come! just sit down and talk, dont let it become an argument that just makes things worse
Just start drinking your paps beers every time when he buys it. Then go and buy Turbonegros cd and listen to it with huge volume.

I believe your dad will buy you a decent new pitbike after this and problem is solved.

In my opinion you deserved what you got.

Even if your parents had said you could get a bike you don't just order it with out telling them.

But then again i still don't understand why they let you buy the armour when they didn't want you to get a bike.

(pretty pointless post but anyways thats what i think)
I did a similar thing with me first bike. bought gear, bike, trailer, everything, kept it at my grandparents till my rents realised just how bad i wanted to ride, so i get where ya coming from.
He can't really give it away if its at your mates place!
well gotta have my say im 46 with four kids of my own and about 25 of everyone elses,we all ride we all waterski we all have bonfires and barbeques and we all spend heaps of time together cause when their grown up there gone, on many occassions we have had up to 20 other kids with us ,unfortunately without their parents because their working drinking rooting whatever,i have taught all the kids in my street to ski,many of them to ride etc etc,on friday nights they all come to our place for a fire and we feed them some sausage sangers and we have a good time,none of them have ever been busted for shoplifting underage drinking or smoking cause they just have too much fun too need that,but not once have any of their parents chipped in,its just sad that they will all be saying 'they grew up so fast we should have spent more time with them where as i will be saying wasnt that a blast,some of you know me im the guy who races high roller series and my kids and some of their friends come to marshall.
and before you say well you must be rich to be able to spend all that time with them,its called a lifestyle choice we have just enough money to get along,and we dont work our buts off just to buy the best when second hand will do.
anyway just my 2 cents worth
oh and no we are not a religous cult

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