(election 07) Howard Vs Rudd

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Crazy cactus jack is right, Howard is a bloody ledgend! I hope that Howard wins because Kevin Rudd is going to give his prefferences to those ****** poo poking Greens and their Leader - Bob Brown Knob!
But from the poles it looks like higher priced pit bike parts and legalised anal raping! Sure its been going on for ages...but you know what the sick **** is? - Kids are gonna be legally raised by arse bandits!
Everyone take a hard read at what your gonna vote for....
Are any of you howard voters remembering that he is going to retire?

yeh he is retireing within the next year i was told and heard so u vote for the other dude that he is giving the pm seat to not howard
Costello Is Better Than Johny
But Still They Both Polly's
But I Dont Think Costello Likes The Ir Laws Much Either
Or He Has A Differant Take On It
Everyone I know is voting Howard. I have no idea where they are getting these statistics from. I will never vote Labor.
Looks like labour is going to win and IF they do ...... let's hope we encounter smooth sailing and we don't get steered over the edge of a square Earth by a faulty RUDD'er ........

i shot coffee out my nose. nicely done :D
At the mo i dont give a flying f about union fees coz im young enough to claim them all back.:D :D

Come on everyone see the light vote Rud and piss off Howard
ist not the union fees i was pissed off about it was the fact that the ''let fu*k this country unions" wanted to bully me around and tell me that i was not worth shi1t so you need the union to stand up for you.
proved them wrong in the end.

labour better give me a good reason to vote fro them, instead of just saying, "i think its time for a change"... lame arse crap i think.

kevin07 and thats where it should finnish, say NO to kevin08.
Lighten up everyone ...... be HAPPY not GAY ......... LOL ........

New TV ad :

Big gay guy asks sternly in a Dudley Do-Right voice :

" Hyomo-phobia !!!!!! What are you th'cared of ????? "

Little gay guy jumps out out from behind him and squeals in a squeaky voice :

" Yeaaahhh !!!!!!!! Whaddya th'cared of !!!!!!!!! "
On the election topic of equal rights for same sex couples as normal couples :

I vote 1 for Adam and Eve .......

and ZERO for Adam and Steve ......... OR Martha and Agnes .........

There tends to be a "Monkey see ... Monkey do" factor associated with growing kids ..........

Anyone who can't understand or disagrees with that needs to take this simple test ......

The Classic IQ Test - Tickle Personality Tests

Incidentally , it'd be interesting to know everyone's score ....... the average Yank is 114 to 115 ...... the average POM is 119.5 ...... my 14 year old son gets 115 and GOD help us if he was running the country ........ LOL .......
I wonder what Howard or Rudd would score ? It'd be interesting to get them to take a test on National TV ........

I can't seem to get over :

Your IQ score is 144!
Visionary Philosopher
i got 129
and i didn't answer a couple of questions
yes it would be funny to see both party's fail an i.q test
hey that might be sandra sultry's next project

Im not a fan of same sex couples but I am not a fan of bigots either. I respect all people regardless of religon, race, color or sexual preference and teach my children the same values

On to our newest member Lindsay he has made 14 posts since joining minirides and half of them are related to homosexuals. I think that somebody might have some sexual identification problems of his own.

It dosent matter how much you say you hate gays it wont turn you (or any other homosexual) straight.
i got 129
and i didn't answer a couple of questions
yes it would be funny to see both party's fail an i.q test
hey that might be sandra sultry's next project


Good score ..... What did they call you ? Visual Mathematician ? You hit on "sample free test result " to get it up .... they want you to pay for a full result .....

There's ONE answer I got wrong and didn't agree with so they sent me my complete test results for free explaining that it's a "philosophical" question .......which isn't necessarily logical ......

I emailed them back and questioned the authenticity of their test (TICKLE SUPER IQ) and they said it's all legit AND scientifically recognised and accepted by the US military and NASA and rates high on the chronbach alpha scale .......

Here's a link you might find interesting and amusing . They talk about the IQ's of politicians and famous people .....(poor ol' Georgie Bush) :p

What's your I.Q.?
Im not a fan of same sex couples but I am not a fan of bigots either. I respect all people regardless of religon, race, color or sexual preference and teach my children the same values

On to our newest member Lindsay he has made 14 posts since joining minirides and half of them are related to homosexuals. I think that somebody might have some sexual identification problems of his own.

It dosent matter how much you say you hate gays it wont turn you (or any other homosexual) straight.

I'm also tolerant of gays to a point ..... as long as they keep it to themselves and don't go flaunting it off in front of everyone plus stay WELL away from my kids ..... and MY ass ..... :p

Also , REMEMBER that all the sleazy "rock spiders" and priests who molest young boys are all either ...... GAY or at least AC/DC !!!!!!!!! Who knows , maybe all the extremely angry anti-gays have had bad experiences with being molested as young kids or know someone who has been and is now f'cked up big time from it .........

A lot of women seem to stick up for gay men ............. when they try to argue with me , I simply tell them to stick a finger up their ass , pull it out and suck it .......'cause that's very similar to what gay men do ......... They look stunned , cut the argument cold , and usually go ...... "Urrrhhhhhhhh ! I never thought of it that way !!!!!!" ........ needless to say , they NEVER try arguing with me ever again .......... :p
check it out i'm a guru considering i left school in year 10

na some of the questions where stupid

but i is der happy wid da resalt he he he
Pedophiles are bad news but they can and do prey on young girls as well as boys. Being a homosexual does not make you a pedophile and it is just plain wrong to even suggest it. Would you be offended if you were grouped with a man who raped a 6 year old girl on the basis that you also like women?
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come on boys back to howard and kev. might have to clean it up a bit.

rudd is a ******** and is going to stuff our economy. howard all the way! go that little hairy ewok.
pitty i cant vote lol
I think you have to look past the individual and consider which is the ideology you support.

For instance - we get cheap imported China bikes, because the Liberal side of politics supports free trade agreements.

The left has traditionally supported high import taffifs to protect Australian jobs - Unions still support this theory and oppose free global trade.

I'm not saying one side or the other is right - but there's more at stake in this election than personality culture - don't you think?

In the end - we get the government we deserve!

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