We'll see if Rudd keeps the ball rolling with the economy but fixes all the the mistakes Howard and Costello made .........
Note he gave tribute to Bernie Banton ! Bernie is a classic case of where "work to LIVE ........ NOT live to work " has failed ........ Bernie worked hard all his life and the very "CAREER" path he chose has had the complete opposite effect of what he was trying to achieve ........
The work , eat , sleep , **** , shower , shave , stress out about paying off a mortgage routine is a DISMAL way to live your life .......... we ALL get conned to work hard and pay into superannuation funds so that we can enjoy a fantastic retirement ........ but the facts are that a hell of a lot of workers either WON'T make it to retirement age and even more won't be able to enjoy their "TWILIGHT" years due to ill health created by the occupation they chose ...... referred to as their CARE - ER !
Johnny Howard was basically "kicked in the guts" and turfed out on his ear and NOW , Costello has quit ........ knowing quite well he'd meet the same fate down the line if he stuck to what he THOUGHT was good for Aussies ... Both will hopefully have regretful retirements wondering "what might have been ~ if ONLY they'd listened to the people" ........ LOL ....... Their downfall was that they looked only at what was good for the country and the rich , but failed to take into account the masses of unhappy Aussie battlers ...........
Yeah , we got cheaper pit bikes etc ...... but they gave us NOWHERE to enjoy them legally .......... For a country the size of Australia , it's F'ing pathetic that our governments don't cater to all the people who are interested in healthy motor sports ......... Just about every single kid in Aus would love to own and be legally allowed to ride their motorcycle somewhere without feeling like a criminal ......... without having government appointed officers sent out to bust them and make their life a misery ......... Then there's all the millions of people who copped camera detected speeding fines ......... plus tons of other disgruntling incidences that people feel are unfair or even spiteful .
The morons in government don't grasp the fact that each and every one of those kids will grow up and remember how they felt at the time ....... and will revolt against them come election time .........
Let's hope Rudd reads this and takes notice ......... young people NEED to feel positive and happy about themselves and motor sports have that desired effect ......... Get off your butt Rudd , open your eyes and get legalised riding places happening ....... also get motorsports complexes such as drag strips (ie Raymond Terrace) etc going ........ it's better to have happy people interested in motor sports doing it in legally sanctioned areas , than racing around the streets ........ or even worse ..... sitting around watching television eating excessively and getting obese , taking up smoking cigarettes , drinking alcohol , night club flinging , and resorting to drugs to create a "FALSE" reality in their own heads .
Anyway - IF labor gets it wrong with this "MIRACULOUS" chance the people have given them ......... they'll be out on their ears for a very LONG , LONG TIME come next election .........