(election 07) Howard Vs Rudd

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come on boys back to howard and kev. might have to clean it up a bit.

rudd is a ******** and is going to stuff our economy. howard all the way! go that little hairy ewok.
pitty i cant vote lol

LOL ....... yeah it did appear to get off topic ... but one of the election questions was do you favour equal rights for same sex couples ....... so it's VERY relevant to the election .

My personal experience with unions is that they are run by morons ........
For what its worth i voted liberal/national.
Reasons are, Labour is tradionally a lets spend all our money and more party.
It is only when this country goes so far into debt and interest is through the roof, that we switch back to a rational economic party like the coalition party.
John Howard and Co have done a great job in getting this country out of debt and into the black.
Sure labour gave us shorter working hours and i believe unions have a place in our work place. But they tend to go overboard with bullying tactics to get the entire workplace to sign up. Infact unions get ridiculous and over the top with their strict workplace tactics. I just dont trust labour and the trade unions. Rudd is being funded by the unions, so guess who he listens to?
Why shouldnt we be able to negotiate our own pay rate with our employer?
If i feel i am doing fantastic work why not ask for a higher pay rate than the bludger who does less than you for the same money?
The coalition has given us freedom to work for more money now than ever before. There are more job opportunities now as well.
Actually i have a million reasons to NOT change the goverment, but it really is only my opinion and most people have there own as well.
Whoever you vote for i hope it works out for you and your families.

haha, btw, thats meant to be paying him out lol
i hope johnny wins.
who isnt happy with how australia is going??
it is running smoothly and why change it. rudd is a risk and wont have the balls to make the calls like johnny does. if rudd is elected there will be no point for him because he will be controlled by the unions.
if rudd is elected he will be on he's knees if you know what i mean ;)
We'll see if Rudd keeps the ball rolling with the economy but fixes all the the mistakes Howard and Costello made .........

Note he gave tribute to Bernie Banton ! Bernie is a classic case of where "work to LIVE ........ NOT live to work " has failed ........ Bernie worked hard all his life and the very "CAREER" path he chose has had the complete opposite effect of what he was trying to achieve ........

The work , eat , sleep , **** , shower , shave , stress out about paying off a mortgage routine is a DISMAL way to live your life .......... we ALL get conned to work hard and pay into superannuation funds so that we can enjoy a fantastic retirement ........ but the facts are that a hell of a lot of workers either WON'T make it to retirement age and even more won't be able to enjoy their "TWILIGHT" years due to ill health created by the occupation they chose ...... referred to as their CARE - ER !

Johnny Howard was basically "kicked in the guts" and turfed out on his ear and NOW , Costello has quit ........ knowing quite well he'd meet the same fate down the line if he stuck to what he THOUGHT was good for Aussies ... Both will hopefully have regretful retirements wondering "what might have been ~ if ONLY they'd listened to the people" ........ LOL ....... Their downfall was that they looked only at what was good for the country and the rich , but failed to take into account the masses of unhappy Aussie battlers ...........

Yeah , we got cheaper pit bikes etc ...... but they gave us NOWHERE to enjoy them legally .......... For a country the size of Australia , it's F'ing pathetic that our governments don't cater to all the people who are interested in healthy motor sports ......... Just about every single kid in Aus would love to own and be legally allowed to ride their motorcycle somewhere without feeling like a criminal ......... without having government appointed officers sent out to bust them and make their life a misery ......... Then there's all the millions of people who copped camera detected speeding fines ......... plus tons of other disgruntling incidences that people feel are unfair or even spiteful .

The morons in government don't grasp the fact that each and every one of those kids will grow up and remember how they felt at the time ....... and will revolt against them come election time .........

Let's hope Rudd reads this and takes notice ......... young people NEED to feel positive and happy about themselves and motor sports have that desired effect ......... Get off your butt Rudd , open your eyes and get legalised riding places happening ....... also get motorsports complexes such as drag strips (ie Raymond Terrace) etc going ........ it's better to have happy people interested in motor sports doing it in legally sanctioned areas , than racing around the streets ........ or even worse ..... sitting around watching television eating excessively and getting obese , taking up smoking cigarettes , drinking alcohol , night club flinging , and resorting to drugs to create a "FALSE" reality in their own heads .

Anyway - IF labor gets it wrong with this "MIRACULOUS" chance the people have given them ......... they'll be out on their ears for a very LONG , LONG TIME come next election .........:p
well said mate.

p.s how close do you live near newcastle/ raymond terrace?
is so would you be keen for a shin dig at barliegh (spelling?) ranch since it is now a ride park? i want to organise a ride day. i know a few people who are keen for one
you guys do know our econemy has nothing to do with how john howard ran the country it has to do with mining and at the moment mining is booming once that drops we will be back to were we were, doesnt matter who is running the government, plus half of u guys on here dont even vote so stop believeing the ******** advertisement from both parties all government lies and john howard is also funded by unions, u guys just dont know it....why do we still have stikes???? but hang on we dont...i guess teachers marched last week for no reason cause they like the exercises. being that half of U guys dont vote i guess it would be silly of me to think work choices have effected any of your families but when they do u will realised that u maybe able to think u can ask for a pay rise but in real life they probably wont give it to u! cause if i was a fat knob doing nothing for my dosh being the head of company why would i give my dosh to u guys cause u now have the chance to ask for it payrise?

if i was a fat knob doing nothing for my dosh being the head of company why would i give my dosh to u guys cause u now have the chance to ask for it payrise?

Ok mate settle down, yes we know - there are alot of users here whos balls haven't dropped yet!

what do you do for a job?
well i think i can take a wild guess and say that your not an ENGLISH TEACHER!
Yes no more stikes!...no more econemy!
Rudd all the way, Howard's time is up, he had been in politics for 33yrs and 11 1/2 yrs of that was trying his hardest to run our country...Hopefully Rudd can do a better job, just hope he doesn't stuff up the economy like labour did last time they run it...lol

and wow my post box has spell check...lol thats cool...lol
On to our newest member Lindsay he has made 14 posts since joining minirides and half of them are related to homosexuals. I think that somebody might have some sexual identification problems of his own.

Ah, excuse me sh!t4brains (cass38a), I have made 1 post out of 14 posts relating to homsexuals, 1/14 isn't half, even 2/14! Go back to school you lying piece of crap. Better yet, go headbutt a bandsaw.
lindsay mate take it easy if u are GAY we dont mind lol

ahahahaahahahaha just jokes
p.s how close do you live near newcastle/ raymond terrace? is so would you be keen for a shin dig at barliegh (spelling?) ranch since it is now a ride park? i want to organise a ride day. i know a few people who are keen for one

We live 27k's from Barleigh Ranch (East Maitland) . Yes , we're definitely interested in going riding ....... as soon as I get all our bikes together and build an enclosed trailer (building 6 bikes from the ground up and need a mobile garage to store and transport them in ) . My relo's are also hassling me to go riding at Pacific Park (Windsor) . Barleigh Ranch now being a ride park is GREAT news ........ I'll get motivated now ...... before when I had bikes assembled , my son hassled the crap out of me to let him ride everyday ..... but turkeys riding around the streets late at night had cops sitting in cars waiting to pounce on anyone ....... we had one cop hiding and watching as if it was us ...... so the bikes went into mothballs while I bought more upgrade parts ...... :)
Well , two things we talked out have come true ....... LOL .....

1) Labour won

2) There's been a development in the progress of the Raymond Terrace track !

Motor complex developers win long-running legal battle - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Arial map of the Barleigh Ranch and Ringwood Raceway site :



Maybe it's a good thing Liberal lost ...:p

New Liberal Party leader Brendan Nelson has declared his support for more equitable legal arrangements for gay and lesbian couples.

Nelson supports gay legal rights - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)