I need help baddd my engine is a 110cc tianzhong and over night it has **** itself it has lost all power i cant even ride in second gear thats how bad it is, it stalls all the time backfires reaally badd and the exhaust note sounds like a fart and really loud and annoying and it takes 5 min of kicking the engine over to get it started without choke and with choke it doesnt even fire. I have no idea what has happened ive checked the carb and cam and it all seems good is it the valves? drained fuel and put new in was running in the morning for a while but still lacked power and eventually it just died ive spent all day trying to figure out what is wrong with it and i have no answer has anyone else had a problem like this?? i was supposed to go riding tomorrow but i don't think i will be able to anymore