Engine stuffed over night

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2009
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I need help baddd my engine is a 110cc tianzhong and over night it has **** itself it has lost all power i cant even ride in second gear thats how bad it is, it stalls all the time backfires reaally badd and the exhaust note sounds like a fart and really loud and annoying and it takes 5 min of kicking the engine over to get it started without choke and with choke it doesnt even fire. I have no idea what has happened ive checked the carb and cam and it all seems good is it the valves? drained fuel and put new in was running in the morning for a while but still lacked power and eventually it just died ive spent all day trying to figure out what is wrong with it and i have no answer has anyone else had a problem like this?? i was supposed to go riding tomorrow but i don't think i will be able to anymore :mad::mad::mad::mad:
man if you talk like you type youd sound like youre revving off your tits on something illegal and that youre a regular user and thats somethig thats really bad cant you use punctuation at all though at least you do use spaces which is a blessing i suppose so i should just overlook that and concentrate on the question:p

how were you riding it the last time you had it out? engines dont usuallly just die for no reason at all... not saying they wont, they just usually dont...

ok, valve clearances? you didnt mention how compression feels? id be starting with the clearances first.

ignition? hows the spark? not that you can tell if thats the problem without trying a different cdi/coil on it...
haha sorry about the punctuation i was riding it hard last time i rode, kept it in top end but didnt seem to do anything because i always ride like that and its been fine up until now.

compression well there is basically none.. i said it could be the rings and my mate says no it cant happen overnight which does make sense it should have been a gradual thing right?

clearance: i cant even check that because i haven't got the tool i thought about that as well but couldn't check it

ignitions fine and recently got a new spark plug for it (the correct one to)
doesnt have anything to do with your cdi? you didnt wash it and this happened after that? Water could have gotton into the connections, happened to my bros bike after he rode through some water, backfired hard to start and was shooting flames, pulled the cdi out and dried the terminals, started fine and was all good
hey that could be it because it was soaked from washing it ill have a look at it tomorrow i hope that's what the problem is but im sure it need new rings and valve clearance adjustments but along as it is ride able tomorrow im not fussed. thanks
man if you talk like you type youd sound like youre revving off your tits on something illegal and that youre a regular user and thats somethig thats really bad cant you use punctuation at all though at least you do use spaces which is a blessing i suppose so i should just overlook that and concentrate on the question:p

how were you riding it the last time you had it out? engines dont usuallly just die for no reason at all... not saying they wont, they just usually dont...

ok, valve clearances? you didnt mention how compression feels? id be starting with the clearances first.

ignition? hows the spark? not that you can tell if thats the problem without trying a different cdi/coil on it...

BAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHA. I was thinking it... You said it:p
:eek: yeah, im a smartass:p nah, i just have a mate that talks like that and omfg its bad when you try calling him...

um, easiest way to check for clearance is to take off the rocker covers. watch the top rocker, turn it over with the flywheel until you see the rocker go down then come back up, and stop once the flywheels at tdc. then give both rockers a wriggle. no wriggle, they need adjusting. if they do wriggle, its something else. no fancy tools, just a 9mm spanner, and a pair of pliers if you do have to adjust them

im assuming its not blowing smoke...so rings are fine, and sos the head gasket

um, you could have something actually stuck in one of the valve seats... its happened to me before....absolutely flew up to the shops, and...:eek: nothing when i went to start it up again. i didnt bother pulling it apart for a few years, but it ended up being one of the screws from the choke butterfly:mad: if one of the rockers has 5mm of clearance...welllllllll

so its gunna be either valve clearance or valve seating...bent valve?
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you don't need any special tools to check the valve clearence, just the right socket to get the covers of. just get the bike to tdc on the commpression stroke and give the valve adjusters a wriggle if they move up and down they're fine, if not headsmess says you can set them with 2 sheets of paper
what do you mean wriggle

like side to side or up and down ???

2 sheets of paper really i didnt know u could thanks anyway
up and down.... you want a little movement, not a heap, and not zilch...just make sure your checking at tdc on compression, not exhaust stroke....

you also put this thread in the wrong area...tech TALK is more suitable;)
ok because there is no movement at all going up and down at tdc

and sorry for posting in the wrong section :p
doesnt bother me, you just wont get much help in this section:)

ok, you want some clearance...yeah 2 sheets of paper is about right.... so some paper, a 9mm spanner, and a pair of pliers.... loosen locnuts, back the adjuster screw right out, slide in the paper under the screw above the valve, and tighten adjuster so its just putting pressure on the paper,not cutting, just slight pressure. hold screw still with pliers and redo the locknut with the spanner...

and make sure you have the right tdc first!!!!!!
hey headsmess do you adjust valves cold or hot?
I was always told do it cold then last night someone who seems to know what they're talking about told me to NEVER do it cold.

qwerty you should invest in some feeler gauges they don't cost much, paper won't be accurate but it'll do the job
do them cold:)

cactus mentions the idea of do them cold, then measure them when theyre hot somewhere, and then subtract the difference, if youre really keen on getting that extra 1 thou of valve lift....(why some people say .002/3 ) maybe an idea if you race, but id leave em at .004/5 for just plain old mucking around.

you can also run tighter clearances when the valves are ground in properly, cause when they rotate, theyre less likely to find a spot where the have no clearance at all...which is what happens...