its already loaded to photobucket man but when i try embed it into my thread it doesnt work...and its only 22 seconds, took about a minute to upload to photobucket
its already loaded to photobucket man but when i try embed it into my thread it doesnt work...and its only 22 seconds, took about a minute to upload to photobucket
Try embedding it as a link or a picture?
the guy i was telling you about at hectorville, Gerry, used to own Allquads at Norwood
he has all his old shop stop in shelves at his house on his back verandah
some things are cheap, others average price.
i have my ycf airbox lying around doing nothing, could be modified possibly. il take a pic of it so you can see if you want it. if you do, its yours for postage cost.
hahaha funny kent aint ya