Goosey's Atomik Nitrous Daytona 150 Build

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hmm thanks guys, a mate has a hydraulic press i could use, i just didn't want to break anything lol. that would be embarrassing. The word clamp gave me an idea though, I'm thinking ill try two clamps (like for clamping things together), one either side of the head stem and a piece of metal which runs between them and over the head stem so when I clamp down on the metal it should push the stem right out, hopefully anyway. If that fails ill go to my mates house.
i have a 20 tonne press too, if you need to borrow one, thats it behind my pipe bender.
i also found that top shocker mount off the Orion as well, i have a pic of that somewhere too.
thanks 67xr but when I picked up the rear shock for it the mounts was still attached so got that all sorted out now, and just remembered my neighbour also has a press, ill pop over there tomorrow and see what I can do.
Are you guys sure it will just pop off? cause I tried my clamp theory with the metal between the two clamps pressed down against the stem and it didn't budge. The metal I used was about 12mm thick and solid and it was bending under the pressure and the clamps were only about 10mm each side of the stem. I really don't want to break anything, I've seen others cut the nut on top thinner so I would rather do that then break something you know. Is the bottom bearing supposed to slide off? Mine will not and I feel this is what is stopping it from coming off.
the bottom section of the tripples should be alloy, the head tube is steel and the bigger flange on the bottom of the tube is what stops it going up through the lower tripple clamp.
it would most likely be a tightish pressed fit.
just make sure, when you go to press it out, that you use an arbour underneath that is as close to the head tubes' lower flange OD as you can, well a touch bigger, couple of mm's.
otherwise it may stress fracture the alloy in the lower tripple clamp.
and make sure to put something decent on top of the head tube when you go to press it out too, try not to damage that end either
yeah know what you mean, I had them clamps as close as I could to the stem just in case. I just hope the 10 tonne press will do the job tomoz, Ill let you know how it goes and thanks again.
the bottom section of the tripples should be alloy, the head tube is steel and the bigger flange on the bottom of the tube is what stops it going up through the lower tripple clamp.
it would most likely be a tightish pressed fit.
just make sure, when you go to press it out, that you use an arbour underneath that is as close to the head tubes' lower flange OD as you can, well a touch bigger, couple of mm's.
otherwise it may stress fracture the alloy in the lower tripple clamp.
and make sure to put something decent on top of the head tube when you go to press it out too, try not to damage that end either

Damn craig i tried thinkn of a way to describe pressing it out, but couldnt come up with a decent way of putting it mate, thank goodness we got ya lad :beerchug:

sweet my 1000th post, im an addict now lol
hmm a little embarrassed now lol. Here the story, when the forks arrived they had with them a spare stem labeled crf70 so i figured the stem currently in the forks would not fit but I tried any way and at the time it did not seem to. So I then had the old stem pressed out and put the new one in and you guessed it, it did not fit either, so now I was really confused. After a bit of thinking I decided to try the old stem again but this time with the help of my brother and this time it fitted! Turns out I just hadn't pushed the top triple clamp down onto the stem far enough, but logic told me that the other stem was the right one as it siad crf70. Oh well, all sorted now and will be able to ride tomorrow now instead of today:( hears some pics
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ONe question though, haven't had much time to play with this yet but is there any adjustments on the brakes? Cause with my old brake when I pull hard on the lever I could get the back to come off the ground but when I pull these ones it will stop real quick but just doesn't feel like it is locking the wheel and the back stays firm on the ground.
Goosey's Build

We all have them moments, Unlucky and lucky at the same time, I know mine definitely didn't fit. Glad you got the whole set up on thou. My brakes when fully locked don't lift the back, I wouldn't think that would be something you want anyway?. Unless you love endowing haha. You could try changing the fluid and re bleeding the brakes. I'm properly gonna do an oil change on mine this weekend, I reckon they are just a little to stiff let us know what you think mate.
Re: Goosey's Build

I have never been able to get my fronts to lock enough even though I have changed fluid, pads and even checked alignment, not that I do endos or anything I always put it down to a China quality thing, but at work the other day and this ratty atomik i rode had the best front China brakes I had ever used, got me stumped

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Also just a side note, now that you have the GPX forks it might be worth looking at the brakes to suit, that'll take you from the single pot you have now to a twin, I found a massive difference beween the 2 and if youv'e seen the Undera crash vid you can see how well my brakes work now (maybe a little too good :p)
I have never been able to get my fronts to lock enough even though I have changed fluid, pads and even checked alignment, not that I do endos or anything I always put it down to a China quality thing, but at work the other day and this ratty atomik i rode had the best front China brakes I had ever used, got me stumped


my reign bigfoots front brakes can lift up my rear wheel and lock up (at the same time) and thats on tarmac with road tyres on
I do love to lift the back end up and with them atomik brakes it would lock up before the lever reached the handle grips. I bled the brakes and no air came out. but by the sounds what im hearing they work fine, just not as powerful as those almost plastic looking atomik ones lol. Can't wait to get home from school today and try it on some jumps, only got four days left forever Woo.
Well I rode from 3:30 till 6pm today. REALLY enjoying these new forks, so much better then that stock C**P. Feels almost as good as my bro's Honda on the jumps, ALMOST, not quite. The wheel base feels longer aswell, it is 1 inch longer but feels like more.
Them brakes I have worked out now, the pads don't wear in evenly so the pads would only grab on the outside edge of the disc but it is getting better, about half worn in now. That means the back end is coming off the ground:)
Here's a better photo.
my bike HDR2.jpg
Re: Goosey's Build

Good stuff lad, the forks even suit the colour theme ya got going, big difference but eh. Damn you got a nice view from ya house.;)

yeah thanks man, can see out to kangaroo island all the way round to almost the start of the york peninsular (bad spelling?). sad thing is i'll be leaving here in a few years:(

Loving these forks though, been playing round with the adjustments a bit and was wondering what the + and - mean for the compression? is it hard and soft compression or fast and slow compression? Also the rebound, should that be set to fast if going of lots of bumps fast? Trying to work it out is all, thinking I might stash a screw driver o my bike somewhere.

P.S. I love daylight saving

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