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The bottle you see is a cheap oil/fuel mixer. It was like. $4. Clearly has 20:1 marked on it. So I thought I would buy it.
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I found a gas cap today, after going through a bunch of them turned out a Honda String Trimmer fits nice, and they had the rubber boot for the motor too. That should do it for parts, I can get her going. Be ridin in no time B*tches.
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I swapped out the old broken key switch. Easy swap with a micro screwdriver, just remove the old one and push in the metal ends in the plug. Just the the Automotive plugs. Now just replace the spiral wrap and some eclectic tape wrap, and it's done.
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My gas cap is in plus the Girl at the parts counter told me of a place rite down the road from them that has parts so I'll check that out too, I have some play in the rear shock and rear fork where it mounts to the frame, I haven't had time to really check it out, but tomorrow I'm bringing the bike inside to my shop and start putting it all back together, since I don't have the coverings or a color in mind to re paint it yet so I just want to see if it all works, I'll post up progress pics tomorrow. The battery fits, brake lever is rite, I'm stoked.
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The chain looks to be in nice shape, I still need to wire wheel it a bit and oil it, the threads on the long rod that holds the rear fork to the bike was messed up a bit, but a quick chase with a M 12 die and it cleaned up the threads nice. I think I'm ready to assemble the bike.
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I picked up some new hardware for the rear shock, got the chain cleaned and lubed, I'm ready to put it all back together.
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I got a good amount if assembly done yesterday, still more to go.

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Is it just me or everybody? The last few pictures here wont load..

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Crap. I'll have to re post them. I deleted a few pics. Somehow those got the s@it can too. I'll fix them.
I'm still not sure of on thing, the outer fill plug say fill with 100 CC's, the inner plug does not say how much oil to put in?
Today I'm going to buff the chrome handlebars and put the new right side brake lever on and hook up the throttle. So far the horn, headlight, and key pad works, so far so good. I'll be able to test the starter by putting the right brake lever on. One more thing that hopefully works.
The spring on the left brake is bad, plus it doesn't match the ne lever do I'm going to order a new one, how does the left grip come off?
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Warm it with a hair dryer or lean the bike over and dip the grip in a cup of boiling water for a minute

Is the 100cc of oil for the gearbox ?
If not do you have a bigger pic of the filler and 100cc marking ?
I'llook for a clear pic if the gearbox. I have one I think.

I got the brakes cleaned up, new bolts on the front.

Heres the gearbox. The inner plug is the one I'm not sure on, The outer says 100cc 's, how much on the inner ?

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Warm it with a hair dryer or lean the bike over and dip the grip in a cup of boiling water for a minute

Holy Crap, I dipped in a cup of hot water and it slid rite off, thanks!!!!!
I polished the rusty handlebars and it came out nice. The new brake lever is on, I ordered the other side, the spring is shot and it doesn't match. And I ordered some new grips. Still need to polish the alum parts on the fork and thats about it. I also put air in the tires. I also tested the start button, it works, but the starter doesn't work. CRAP.
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I got my last batch of parts from the place in Miami, you can see the first brake lever they sent me in the previous pic, I ordered the left side so it would match, and the spring was loose too, well the new left side has a ball on the end, they don't match. I have to call them, I did order a new set of grips, they look good, just got black rubber ones, but the switch part is wrong that came with it, must be for a diff bike, not sure there, I didn't need it, mine has a headlight button and a horn button, it would be nice to have a spare, I'll ask about that too.
I need to polish the alum parts on the fork, and that's it.
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I'm looking for a pad for the handlebars, no one seems to have one? Where can I pick one up at?