High Rev Spluttering...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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So im cruising on flat... Go for a rev. Rev full throttle going allright speed and then it starts spluttering a little bit. Not out of fuel or anything. But when she gets it given to her she splutters...
Any idea whyy
sounds like air/fuel mixture might need to tune your carby

does it do it in neutral when you rev it

my mate have the same problem he pulled his carby gave it a bit of a spray with wd40 gave it a wipe put it back together it ran all sweet then.
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sounds like air/fuel mixture might need to tune your carby

does it do it in neutral when you rev it
Havn't cleaned it in a while.. Might give her a clean and see what happends.

mite b the cdi box xact thing happened to my cuzins pitpro

I'm getting one of those Racing High Rev CDI's it's on it way in the post so I'll chuck that on and see how she goes.

cheers for the info guys
yeah that might be it give it a clean see how ya go

spark plug too
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Wrong, jets are dirty, and cdi cod possibly be a probelm but its a 100% chance the jets a clogged and when u throttle it splatters, and check ur wiring aswell.
Wrong, jets are dirty, and cdi cod possibly be a probelm but its a 100% chance the jets a clogged and when u throttle it splatters, and check ur wiring aswell.

um i said the jets are bloked with dirt so hows that wrong and if its the wiring itll most likely do it on all revvs
Cleaned the Carby.
The jets wern't even blocked...
But I cleaned it anyway.
The air filter is drying on the line as we speak. so when that is good i'll see how she goes.
If it still splutters ill put my new racing CDI on when I get it tomorrow.
Not sure.
But I after I cleaned the carby and the air filter... it stopped.
I'm getting a new CDI hopefully it will arrive tomorrow so that will juice my ride up :)

But yeh.. No idea..
Next time it happens, do a quick test with the air filter off. They clog up.
yeh I suspect that was the issue, because when I cleaned it I did around 5 washes before it was clean :O
hey iv got the same problem with my crf...

just up untill yeterday i ran the stock airbox and it never ever happened

i put a uni filter on it yeterday and it splutters..

im guessing air-fuel???

or should i give it a clean and go over the wiring and stuff

p.s brand new uni filter

please help boys :)

thanks zac..
thanks buddy!

im sorry thats alot of help but i keep confusing myself. can u just explain it for me really easy? :)
like screw out or in and how much.

thanks buddy!

im sorry thats alot of help but i keep confusing myself. can u just explain it for me really easy? :)
like screw out or in and how much.


Thats pretty much as simple as it gets... For mixture screws its the setting that gives the best idle. Your problem sounds like lean on main jet, but do a plug chop to be sure. A size or 2larger main will probably be the place to start.
its just silly because this is the 2nd uni iv had on it and it was fiine the 1st time.. but now it runs like ****.. i dont know what up with it, but for suure il fiddle with the screws... oh and by the way, bike starts runs and idles fine...
Check the plug, tell us what you see. Thats the key to any carb tuning

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