So im cruising on flat... Go for a rev. Rev full throttle going allright speed and then it starts spluttering a little bit. Not out of fuel or anything. But when she gets it given to her she splutters...
Any idea whyy
Any idea whyy
Havn't cleaned it in a while.. Might give her a clean and see what happends.sounds like air/fuel mixture might need to tune your carby
does it do it in neutral when you rev it
mite b the cdi box xact thing happened to my cuzins pitpro
Wrong, jets are dirty, and cdi cod possibly be a probelm but its a 100% chance the jets a clogged and when u throttle it splatters, and check ur wiring aswell.
thanks buddy!
im sorry thats alot of help but i keep confusing myself. can u just explain it for me really easy?
like screw out or in and how much.