How to set Valve clearances on horizontal engines.

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I choose yammies, I never owned either but I just like them and when pigs fly and I buy a brand spanking yz250f I won't have to replace homo red bits straight away ;)

Pfftt. Your right you won't be replacing red bit's but you will be a bigger poof just being seen on one!! Make sure you cut 12 laps of the Werribbee main drags to instantly up your manliness. :p

Wicked right up Thump. Top effort there for sure.
ok, so! im not too sure with this question. because i haven't acquired the service manual for my crf i am curious as to how i should check/adjust the valve clearance... its a bucket over shim head right?
well this is the wrong thread for you.
this is for horizontal engines... you have a vertical homo bike... sometimes called a jap bike lol..

i think the best site for you would be thumpertalk
I performed said valve adjustments tonight with the help of Doms150 and I must say this is pretty damn easy to do, especially if you have a little mechanical know-how.

I noticed straight away that the idle was lumpier due to the cam, which meant I had to reset my air screw as it was running way rich.

Adjusted that and all is well now.

The gains from this amazed us both. A lot more power is now on tap, its way more responsive and its a hell of a lot easier to start.

Thanks Uncle Thump!
great job on the write up mate just checked the valves on my bike using the thread they needed a little adjusting good work
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hi i dont have the inspection hole on my bike. do i take off all the casing thats over the stator motor?
^^^^ yx 140 isnt it?...
just remove the magneto case cover and line the marks up.. should be a mark on the magento and a mark in the case... usually the marks are at 12oclock.
was just wondering how to do this.. thanks alot for the very easy to read writeup.. :)
Atomik boy it is so easy come on dude do you have a pair? if not grow some. haha
I totally forgot how to do clearances and it was my first time figured it out myself and did it in under 20 minutes. its not rocket since bro. You have an atomik you should be pretty kick ass with the tools by now :p
Done them yet? its pretty easy just make sure that after you do em you check again with your feeler gauge...
On my Yx 160cc, I don't have a TDC groove? All I have is 2 lines at like 6 and 12 o'clock on the sprocket it self but none on the casing? thanks heaps guys for your help, I really just have no idea. :)
On my Yx 160cc, I don't have a TDC groove? All I have is 2 lines at like 6 and 12 o'clock on the sprocket it self but none on the casing? thanks heaps guys for your help, I really just have no idea. :)

Pull your stator cover off and have a look in there... There will most likely be a TDC line in the flywheel :)

If the head is anything like a 150 then the nick to line up TDC will be hard to spot, run your finger around the inside to see if you can feel it :)