I want a crf50!!!!!

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yer i carnt seam to find any crf50 copys anywhere i found a few crf50's but i dont want to spend $1000 on one i was thinking along the lines of atomik moto-x 50cc but carnt seam to find any
a cheeper 1 like that will just end up costing more in the long run
6-$800 for bike ya say ya wont to put poo tapers on and a pipe there another couple hung looking at 1000 may as well buy crf, least it will hav resale value , a cheepo be worth nothing.
Thats all from me thanks for coming and good night! haha
no the moto-x's gor for about $300 protapers $100 21mm oko $70 pipe $70 rear shock $60 20w fork oil $30 TOTAL=$630 still cheaper than a crf50 even with a new set of forks are only like $150-$200
dont buy a china cheapy
i bought a 125 china for $2200 when they first come out and not many around 3 years later got $300 and probably spent $600 on mods on it .no bike holds its money but a honda will alot better than a cheap version anyway unless your happy to get $20 for your cheap bike in 3 years time if its still going.
buy a crf50 and dont mod it at all just ride it and when you can afford it mod it then. i rode mine for a year in the backyard doing wheelies and dumb **** before i moded mine and im 90kg long as you dont try and jump cars it wont brake just remember there built for kids.
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you cant just put pro taper bars on a crf50 you have to have a different top clamp and a longer throttle cable and a longer brake cable and a killswitch . so thats why everyone buys bar kits witch come with everything whitch is around 300 .
So can you please take our advice we have experience and we have done this before so this is why we say Save your money and buy something decent and stop trying to take the cheaper way out because the cheap way is good at first but gets worse . soo if i were you just save your dosh and buy a second hand GENUINE crf50 with a bars kit forks springs and a back shock .
but im poor and cheap lol i would love a crf 50 but i wanted to get a cheap one coz i plan to get a 160cc nitrous and a big bike for me and the missus so i dont think i could afford it all plus with the copy i can give it to her nephew and he would love it
All I can say is get a HONDA CRF50! Either Dead Stock or if you can find with Bars etc.

If you just want a Bike to muck around on and your not jumping it you wont be needing Expensive Mods on the trusty Honda.

For your Comfort all Id say you would be looking at getting is a Bar Kit, maybe seat and Bigger Footpegs.

If I was deciding on putting my hard earned between a CHINA CRF50 Copy to a HONDA CRF50 I wouldnt think twice but to go with the Honda! Even dead stock it would be hell fun thrashing around on it!

Yeah it might cost more to get Honda comfortable but it'll be all worth it, plus you have to think about Resale value...plus Dead stock I bet your Nephew would love riding it! AND if you look after the Honda how it should...most likely your Nephew's kids will be able to have fun on it ;)

Just my 2 Cents man! Hope you make the right Decision
... or you could look at it the other way, if he is just going to muck around on it, not jump it, and just have it for his nephew to ride, there's not much point going to the expense of buying and modding a genuine CRF...
could purchase the copy, mod it, set it up for long term reliability, and still have money left over to buy another bike, for the same cost as a stock CRF....
yer but its eaiser to hide $400 from the missus ratyher than $900 maybe she will let me idk i can see ill end up buying the china one and comeing back on here and complaning that its broken and wishing i brought a GENUINE CRF50
yeah, go the chinga... Like has been said, if it's only going to be done for wheelies and the nephew to ride, it's no use going out and spending 2g on a gen bike (including mods)
your under the thumb = your missus controls you . well thats what your saying
if my missus didnt let me spend my money on what i want she would be out the door in no time .
well when u are trying to save to get 3-4 bikes plus a led tv u need to have a strict saveing plan lol usualy i spend what ever but ive been saveing latey
x2r's are ****.... 10"er needs the a-style swinga or it just don't look right

building one from scratch would cost heaps more and not be as good as what u can just buy

billy why are the bars $350 :eek: ? for $350 on a crf copy you'd nearly get protapers, billet clamps and zocchi copy forks

my 110 dosent look too bad and thats staright swinger
welll there's 2 good copys out there that I know of....
good bikes but the sellers are wanks.... one seller wants to charge twice what the bikes worth, it's still way cheaper than a crf tho lol..... the other seller is selling the same bike at the RIGHT price but he's a complete an total ****** and goes around trying to sue all the competition.....
so I won't link them hehe :p

otherwise there's the pitster x2r... good bike but I just don't like that swingarm on a crf copy
and there's a rumour that revMX wants to import a crf copy ... which will no doubt be awsome and very affordable

the atomik 50 is rubbish I wouldn't buy one... but if the 70 would probly be ok for a lil kid and a wheelie or 2 for you
what about dhz mini you would get one a bit cheaper if you say your from miniriders
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