just had a complaint!

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its in kenthurst. not far from a house bought 300m. The place is all flood land but is mad. my dad caught the neighbour in there. he was dumping a truck load(my dad) at the property and saw the neighbour and trapped him with his truck and told him off. dad reckons the guy is gay. worked at his house once and was a bit weird. but the place is awesome
I used to ride in the street nearly every day just up and down my court but once the cops came my dad said i couldnt ride anymore.
I called the council and they said i could ride in my backyard and front yard but i couldnt ride over the footpath because it is not our property
So i been ridin in my bkyard and ive had no complaints ever since
yeh i ride up and down road a little but we got some people the complain up the road so ill probly stop that, i got 5 acres so its good for riding but our bikes are loud and neighboors still here us. i managed to get kicket out of burumba dam camping grounds on the weekend because me and my mate went for a cruise down the creek bed that comes outa of the spill way haha, i recon we mighta been a little loud
94db or under, and local council's have different times, most are the same, not before 9am and not after 8pm weekends
Remember the police are to uphold the law, not make the laws
My neighbour is a real B"@#$% as you know. so today i took off the muffler on my mini and pissed her off to the max. if you really wanna piss someone off take off the muffler on your bike. just have a straight pipe. sounds good but its very loud. Also i reckon gave me a bit more top end power
what was the point of doing that. why would u TRY to piss ur neighbor off:confused:

I agree with what was said a couple of times in this thread...Talk to your neighbor and work out a time to ride it. its a win-win situation.

my neighbour is a solictor. she tells her 76 year old father to get F"ED. trying to make my family move but that wont happen.
my neighbour is a solictor. she tells her 76 year old father to get F"ED. trying to make my family move but that wont happen.

So she's a solicitor and I'm presuming she know how to research noise pollution and public nuisance laws.
I'm also guessing if it came down to police statements, she would come out trumps.
She might have a few mates in the local area command who would be happy to question you about "stuff". You know, just for kicks. :)
What do mum and dad have to say about you trying to piss her off? Extra helping of facebook and chocolate cake?

If you want to have pit bikes banned outright, well done. You're setting a fine example. The people you piss off today may be the law makers of tomorrow. But that's cool because you pissed her off. HARCORE DUDE! :cool:

Remember fire cracker night? Actually no, you're probably too young. Well, it was awesome. Unfortunately kids being kids (or is that kids trying to be hardcore) ruined that for generations to follow because they thought it was cool to fire off roman candles down goerge street and inside schools. Sometimes we were lucky to hear that they'd burned themselves for the effort.

Keep up the good work, soon we'll have nothing fun to do with the progress you're making.
my parents hate this solictor. has no respect for anyone. so everybody gives her no respect. she has complained to council 3 times about us and they have said nothing is wrong each time. she has no friends to mention. treats her family like crap. doesnt care who you are but she thinks she is bigger than you because she is a SOLICTOR. i hate and have never seen anybody in my 15 yrs i have lived at this place visit her. plus she never complained when we had a 2 stroke rotax go kart.
my parents hate this solictor. has no respect for anyone. so everybody gives her no respect. she has complained to council 3 times about us and they have said nothing is wrong each time. she has no friends to mention. treats her family like crap. doesnt care who you are but she thinks she is bigger than you because she is a SOLICTOR. i hate and have never seen anybody in my 15 yrs i have lived at this place visit her. plus she never complained when we had a 2 stroke rotax go kart.

What you have posted is pointless babble. The kind of drivel a child spouts when it doesn't get its way.
I guess the points to address are.
  • Why has she complained to council 3 times? Is it the bikes or something else, do you throw bags of **** at her house?
  • She may appear to treat her family like crap, then again she may be supporting them while they sit on their arse watching oprah all day and expecting dinner to be lounge delivered.
  • Mabey she gets no respect from you but I can just about guarantee in a courtroom she'd tear your balls off. That's respectable.
  • In 15 yrs of your obsession with her she's had no visitors? WTF are you a stalker :eek: . I don't have many visitors to my house either does that mean I have no friends? No, It means I go out with my friends, not stay at home waiting for the world to come to me.
  • As for the go-kart....well mabey thats her fancy. Did you ever offer a go?

Mate, I can tell you're young, but trust me the world isn't as bad as puberty makes it feel.

Do unto others and all that jazz, because one day you might end up picking a fight with a real bastard and that's when **** hurts.
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Damn u guys are harsh... maybe once u all hit puberty u might understand that ur neighbors dont wanna listen to ur bike all day, weather it be legal or not... consideration. I bet u guys wouldnt like it if u where sick or trying to care for a new born child and some kid was riding his bike all day....
Lucy you dont live next door to Alf Stewart he would call you a Flamin Mongrel and sort you out real quick.
just say they have been filling up their pool with the hose and watering the garden when they arn't supposed to
but i use the pressure washer on my bike , and its water resrictions. lol
oh well. just say its someone else riding the bike.
all i can say is some people are c#nts and u have to live with it
they will pick any opportunity for u to get in trouble
the thing i cant understand is my neighbour always has parties late into the morning and we dont call the cops
see where im coming from?
thats why i thought it was funny when dad bought a triumph considering he leaves for work at 5:30am lol
and he warms his bike up for like 10 mins outside there house
so meh
i just walk around the corner and start my bike and ride off

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