I can explain, lol sooooo many excuses, hahaha nah umm lately ive lost my main job (paid very well) and ive been putting most of money right into this thing, i even struggled to pay for the carb, let alone helping with bills, but enough of me whining and carrying on about not having enough money and a whole lot of other crap, lol
on the plus side im moving and getting a SHED, nooo nooo not a garden shed that you get from bunnings for 200 odd bucks, a proper one

enough of my crap, the bike, ummm ive currently got 110 main and a 40 pilot, its really hard to start, and rather boggy off the bottom, ive got a 36 and nothing in between that 40... so i may need to get some off someone,
yeah nick i do need to pull finger out, again.. almost deja vu...
and craig, yeah, im shocking for starting it incorrectly, i know the correct way, im just stupid....

doesn't slow and steady win the race?
cheers for the input guys!