Member of the month

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Admin "The Cougar"
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
A member has suggested we run a member of the month with an award against it that is voted on by everyone.

I thought it wasn't a bad idea. Another way of rewarding people who put the hard yards in around the site.

Yeah sounds really good, will be a good way to acknowledge contributions other than posting as well. By that I mean people helping out in chat with bike stuff and non related bike stuff, directing people to the correct thread and helping newbies around the site and being an all round good MR citizen. :D
Sometimes that positive type of contribution can seem unnoticed otherwise.

Just hope it isn't abused like every other reward seems to be. :rolleyes:
How would it work though with voting and nominations?
Perhaps have to do the voting for the previous month...nominations can go in during the month and the week or month after make a poll from those nominations? Otherwise I can't see how you could nominate and vote in the same month?
How would it work though with voting and nominations?
Perhaps have to do the voting for the previous month...nominations can go in during the month and the week or month after make a poll from those nominations? Otherwise I can't see how you could nominate and vote in the same month?

At the end of the month, mods will choose 3 people eligable. We will then put a vote up for everyone and it will be for the previous month. The vote wil only last 3 days or something. Can't get it twice in a row but can be eligable more than once.
Great idea. . . I just wouldnt want it to turn into a popularity contest with the voting but top idea :coolthumb:.
Great idea. . . I just wouldnt want it to turn into a popularity contest with the voting but top idea :coolthumb:.

If there were any "vote for me" threads popping up they would be removed.

Just like another certain 2 members and there "friends wars". lol
yeah great idea.........maybe when the voting starts we could put in a couple of reason's as to why the member's have been nominated ?
If there were any "vote for me" threads popping up they would be removed.

Just like another certain 2 members and there "friends wars". lol

do i detect some jelousy in that statement lol .. i like the idea of member of the month will give all the super noobs somthing to aim for when helping others and try encourage people to stay on track a bit more in threads
do i detect some jelousy in that statement lol .. i like the idea of member of the month will give all the super noobs somthing to aim for when helping others and try encourage people to stay on track a bit more in threads

I have enough REAL friends. :cheeky-smiley-005:

That's the idea Timmy. Looks like this will be a goer then judging by people's responses.
yer give it a go i reckon .

I think it will just be vote for the most popular tho , after a few weeks anyway after a fair few of the most helpful get voted.

just give me a prize will ya :)

na i think we discussed this earlier but it never got done?????? not sure why no one ran with it i spose

i think the mods would have to do the nominations and i'd be wary of who was nominated although i suppose you are never going to eliminate the popularity vote hell that what politicians live on
i also dont know how long you could run it for there's not heaps of good nominations i mean if thump and james were involved no one else would ever see a prize it would just alternate between them.....he he he

although it might put hillz on the straight and narrow depending on the prize...............
Forgot all about this. Yeah we should be able to kick it off. Just gotta find the time.

Now which one of these super helpful mods we have can organise this. I think's it's Fools or Roost's time to step up to the plate.
I can run this if you like :cheer2:

We just gunna run it the same as FOTM

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