boys boys settle down. last thing we want in whats currently a plesant community is some bitching about this. first off were all entitled to our opinions but as Dreadful said, if you make a mistake you will be corrected, sometimes members here over-do it by correcting the mistake then having a little dig at them but this is only natural and everyone in the forum gets over it.
the biggest problem with your initial post Manufactorier is the fact that the gap was much larger than 20 foot. this is just the beginning and if you say something like this unfortunatly people will want to rip you for bagging what has been well known as a fantastic bike. secondly saying the frame is a copy of the x2 frame. tell me, in the beginning of 05 and 06 ALL the bike frames were very similar, thus they were all copied from someone. there is definatly more diversity and variety of the frames now but this isnt the point. if your going to state something like the fact that mojo motorcycles didnt do testing on the frame this is one of those sensative issues which will need to be backed up by other sources, other web pages etc etc... your generating what would be an arguement and have nothing to back this up.
dont get me wrong, im not trying to take your chance to state your opinion but if your going to post something so controversial you need to have backup if you dont want members of this community to "attack" you.
as for other members, your entitled to your opinion too but its not necessary to continually attack him. and sixeven, his spelling problem could have been a typo as it was one letter. no need to be so harsh.
back to the actual topic, it was a savage 40 footer gone wrong hahha.. poor bloke but that was a hard knock. it was either going to snap the frame or the head stem barrel off the frame from the way those bars landed :S looks nasty. i can be certain that i will stick to jumping just forwards at this time

Cheers, Tony.
P.S: this isnt meant to be attacking towards anyone, if you feel as if you have been attacked or your offended pm me and i will appoligise. thanks guys, keep the peace