completly different style of jump, that and on the 70 foot jump he used his suspension to take the fall not the frame. these frames are designed promarialy to be strong on the vertical axis and not so much on the horizontal side of things thus the frame snapping when it fell on its side. no one is doubting the quality of mojo as they do take pride in their quality of build and im sure TJ russle would ride something else if mojo werent good. its interesting to see him do it on a mojo and not a BBR though as BBR usually try getting contracts like that.
on a different topic, can you just drop this whole spelling issue. yeah its a little hard to understand but are you too lazy to read a short post twice. if english isnt his native language and even if it is, who are you to be-little him just because your english is better?? all manufactorier is trying to do is spread the knowledge he has aquired and enrich our wealth of knowledge both on the forums and in our heads. the people that should be critisized are the ones that are abusive or fly off topic or plain and simply spam our forums, not those whom are trying to imput to this community.
Cheers, Tony.
on a different topic, can you just drop this whole spelling issue. yeah its a little hard to understand but are you too lazy to read a short post twice. if english isnt his native language and even if it is, who are you to be-little him just because your english is better?? all manufactorier is trying to do is spread the knowledge he has aquired and enrich our wealth of knowledge both on the forums and in our heads. the people that should be critisized are the ones that are abusive or fly off topic or plain and simply spam our forums, not those whom are trying to imput to this community.
Cheers, Tony.
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