where abouts does it leak? can you chuck up pic?
i thought you said the carby was leaking???
nah i dont, not sure whats happened just leaks around there is afew years old might of cracked, probably got another o ring somewhere
used to give me the ****s with the v2 160 i had, then when i got the 184 i got a pwk28, much better carby which unforntally the daytona wont run with
wow,i didn't think the flywheel hub could break ?
hold the broken bit of hub with a pair of channel lock pliers, and undo the crank nut with a rattle gun.
them just use the normal flywheel puller to take the broken bit off
$75 delivered for a new flywheel off ebay
Daytona 150 190 CC Flywheel FLY Wheel PIT Bike Dirt Bike | eBay