MV24's pit pro 150 build

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2009
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melbourne victoria
well i got this pitpro with another bike for 200 bucks a little while ago.. and its holidays so i should proberly do something to it..

so far i've got most the parts for it but need to get little bits like bolts and mounts.
will change it up alot since im not really confident in riding a pitpro going from a pitster and motovert..

proberly end up changing
wheels and tyres
maybe rear shock
thats all i can think of so far
a friends wants me to use the ones on the bike in the background. was going to rip them off and put something else on but i'll just get another whole set for that other bike
so those DHZ ones
thanks for reminding me, i have done a little but i've been giving up because the rear wheels bearings have been falling out so just going to get a new one soon, going to order afew things tonight maybe.


not the acutal front end, its off another bike will be 14/12
I have a complete pitpro 150 I'm stripping if ya want anything let me know
yeah black rims with gold billet hubs

and like white and blue graphics....maybe a blue frame and a polished subframe and swingarm
i've got billet red hubs on the motovert, think was thinking gold aswell
dunno what graffics either or just have plastics with maybe some stickers.

it was originality this bike

there frames are alright aren't they? just like bad stock shocks and all that?
im planing on putting a big bore pipe like the motoverts on it.
dnm rear shock
maybe dnm hornets or gpx black labels
billet rims and hubs
pro taper handle bars
depending on what colour i deside on i'll put that colour throttle and levers and fuel cap and all that
maybe put an oko26 on it for more snappy power.. has a minuki 26mm on it at the moment..
thinking maybe gpx brakes, depends if the ones i've got for it are stuffed or not.. guessing they are tho..
engine is an lifan 150 looks like its alright, once i get it to a proper roller state i'll chuck in it and check valves and clutch and put oil and all that in it.

so shouldn't be a ****ter soon enough lol
I would probably lean toward the GPX blacks, the Hornets are great forks but for the lighter guys they are a bit stiff. At 60kg the forks even with 5w oil are a bit to stiff for my liking, but yer sounds like a fun project mate!
hmm yeah, just that braaap sells them for 199 and im thinking thats alright deal?
i last checked i was 65 but i would be proberly more 70ish now i reckon, the forks on it look ok they look the same as the lxrs just wider..
ah yeah that might be bad, i might go to eddie from ciniworxs for help or even dom from city motorbikes since his closer they'll both be able to help, i just need to find out the steering bearing size at the moment and all bolts then i can start putting it together

did a bit more tonight, put the acutal front end on and put the motoverts old wheel on it, bit to fat but it'll do for the moment till it has an engine.
also found a pegmount but looks dodgy as so i'll replace that with something else..
i've desided on blue and a blue sticker kit with white number plates and tail
and billet gold hubs

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