my bike is doomed!!!

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Active Member
Jun 8, 2006
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hey guys today i woke up and took my chopper for a spin as i went i ran about 400 metres then i start hear rattle nosies then loder one came throw then all i hear is a bang! i turn of from the ingtion and hop of my engine was in 2 peaces and i started crying lol i have only had my chopper for appox 5 days the bolts on the engine that olnd the engine plate is gone and u can acutally canny the engine out and the other side is the sprocket it crack in the middle of the cluch in half im so upset i w0nder how much it cost to fix and the chain is bulked so i tok it home and i seen it i took 0f the faring and got closer to the problem the problem is i think its called the clutch drum snapped in half the clutch was on one peaice and the one part was on the -there a and clutch still had some pads in them and my spring napped i m so upset its gonna cost me a fortune to fix what do u think i shot my brother says need a new engine but i acutally started like that and straight away i turn it of i think i need a some new high tenions bolts and screw and a new clutch and a drum is that gonna cost me more than an enigne its a 49cc its not a cag the 0ther style thax guys my bike is sitting in my garge collecting dust i cant ride it any morei d0nt n0w h0ew much i need t0 pay for repairs my l0cal p0cket bie shop in belmore sayed im looking aroung 150 for a new clutch and high tenision bolts and a drum
can some one help me out or if they have a piston port engnine 4 cheap plz pm me
if your talking about foxy pocket rockets i wouldnt listen to them i bought a chopper off them it didnt work it had three different problems and in the end they threw my money at me and told me to leave
Pocket Pyro you forgot the tell us the bit where u went back there @ 3 in the morning with 15 litres of petrol and your zippo.
tell me i what happen t we h0w ab0ut d0 u live i w0uld like t0 u t0 tell me the best sh0ps ar0und there
well the first was the coil problem then the bike had a little fire and then i put air in the tyre and it blew up on three different bikes. as for shops the only good guy that i found is in Revesby on Marigold st hes helped me loads of times and his prices r great he doesnt like rippin people off hope that helps
im s0 excited where is he l0cate rightnear my sch00l i live right near d0es he sell parts cheap
luv u d0es he sell pist0n p0t engines i g0 t0 sir j0sph bank high
what sch00l d0 u g0 t0
his shop is situated in unit 9/65 Marigold St Revesby the parts he doesnt have hell order 4 u
whis he cheap 0r expesive can i get his number 0r sumting s0 i can c0ntact him t0m0r0w
his ****** abs0ulty awseme i gave him a buzz i t0ld him u refferd me t0 him he wants t0 n0 ur name

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