Some updates on the Braaap.
I have bought another carby to try out on the 190, it's a Polini PWK28
I'd describe it as pretty close to a Keihin PWK28, maybe a bit more refined ?
it is cnc machined in the bore, and they have used a better quality of alloy when compared to an OKO.
Like the Keihins, the Polini are assembled with very high standards, and are checked and preset from the factory.
I started it up this afternoon, it fired and ran on the second kick using the choke.
It's jetted the same as the OKO 26 was, 110 Main, and 45 Pilot.
I took it for a couple of laps of the back yard, the throttle response is quick and it definately lifts the front easier with the bigger carby !
Hopefully at some stage i can try out a PWK 32 as well....
Anyhow, here's a few shots of the Polini PWK 28mm next to my OKO 26mm
And fitted to the Braaap
I have also modified the Braaap Mudflap i bought a month ago, and made a bracket to mount it.
It only needed some slight trimming to clear the muffler.
I reckon it will keep the Elka from getting too dirty now.
And here is the Kick start Lever with it turned to 2 o'clock, having it there makes the engine turn over almost 3 times when you kick it.