The police/government just don't have an adequate reporting system to ultimately back up their stats. Even the scooter rooters are recorded as a motorcycle statistic, even though they do not hold a bike licence and have not been trained to ride a motorcycle. Even private property trail bike deaths (working on the farm etc) go on record as a motorcycle death, which inflates the motorcycle statistics. The reporting system is poor, but no one is doing anything about it. Thats why they are calling it a "motorcycle related death" etc. I'm surprised they don't pull dead bodies from cars, check if they have a bike licence, and still record that as a "motorcycle related death". Its inflated.
Doesn't damaging cars worsen the war between cagers and bikers? It's really cool but if you think about it you realised it's not helping. Personally if a biker kicked my car mirror off I'd be inclined to dislike bikers more and might go out of my way to harm one.
Not when they deliberately ass about. You might dislike bikers, but trust me the real bikers dislike cagers even more. When I have my lid on, I trust no one in cars. Most of the time these ******s are trying to impress their mates in the car by being fucktarts. Punching the mirror off gets them to STFU real quick and they crawl back in their hole.
I don't care what they think of me afterwards. Its a harsh lesson that needs to be taught. Like getting rapped across the knuckles at school - you hate your principal, but you're not going to **** with him again are you? Today's bikers are soft pussy's who put up with crap, mostly talk **** and run from the first sign of a cop. 99% of the time these cagers are ****** and are all talk. The 1% that isn't, well when you put your carbonfibre-knuckled gloves into their face, they ultimately STFU too.
I've had a car intentionally run me off the road, I'm talking full sideswipe where the move kept me pinned to the car. Well I'm a better rider than he is a driver, and I stayed upright and started punching his window. Once our vehicles had stopped we had our little 1-on-1. He had an overnight stay in hospital to think about his attitude. LOL