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I've been riding to work now for the past week (just got my bike last friday...woo hoo) and it can be scary cause it seems cars just cant see you.
I find being paranoid helps I just expect everyone will pull out in front of me or try and take my lane.
But its been the most fun i've had in ages, except for one day when everyone seemed out to get me.
It's also a nice change riding the suzuki gsx250f compared to my agb!!
All in all I recomend it but you have to be carefull and not ride above your limits... Plus it costs me $9 bux to fill my tank and I get around 200km's or somthing.. much cheaper than the v6 comm wagon..
Benox, I find myself sexually attracted to you.. However, Pascal you are quite a turn off.
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hey, y is franky banned?? we resolved it all and he's a good guy, he just jokes a little too much with harmful
Yeah who cares.

Back to topic: Lets not forget the stats that in 84% of bike accidents involving cars it is evident the car was at fault.

You've got to ride and position yourself to be seen, make eye contact. Position yourself on the road or in your lane to have an escape route. Then there is no excuse, and the onus is on the ******** in the tin top to drive with care! Better yet, get out and do some track days and learn more about your abilities and your bike. Most of the rider only accidents occur because the **** was riding outside their abilities. Don't fool yourselves, you're not a professional, and you don't know everything, and 'no' you are NOT as fast as you think you are!

Hell, just yesterday I kicked the car door of some cow driving her kids home from school. She saw me clear as day but thought to teach her kids that motorcyclists lives don't count. Bitch!
haha, that can be an advantage, being able to kick the cars and leave some damage to those who treat you as if you are not even there!
Only in the extreme cases! Don't go kicking cars for the smallest offenses. I know when its a genuine mistake, but I also know when it was intentional to cause harm.

Oh, the collection I'd have if only I just went back to pick up those mirrors off the ground LOL I've been grilled before for this, but I don't care. The only way these pricks learn is when you harm their car! Plus, I make sure I have an escape route. I don't put myself in a position to get caught.

I've had the cops come over and I've played dumb. They KNOW I did it, and they KNOW the prick deserved it, but they have to follow it up, after that they don't care. "Thanks officer, sorry about the trouble" :D
Hmmm ... maybe a TLR burnout out the front of Sid's place tonight would be "immature"?

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. of course not LOL DO IT!!!

some dude rode past my house at 11 at night on a pitty it was pretty funny.

I was like WTF is that noise and he came flying out of a carpark LOL
Doesn't damaging cars worsen the war between cagers and bikers? It's really cool but if you think about it you realised it's not helping. Personally if a biker kicked my car mirror off I'd be inclined to dislike bikers more and might go out of my way to harm one.
Hmmm ... maybe a TLR burnout out the front of Sid's place tonight would be "immature"?

HAHAHAHAHA Ruby just did it in a carpark it was heaps good!!!
Yeah who cares.

Hell, just yesterday I kicked the car door of some cow driving her kids home from school. She saw me clear as day but thought to teach her kids that motorcyclists lives don't count. Bitch!

See, if you did that to my door i'd probably get out and kick your ass, i've open the car door on my daily on a guy on a motorbike trying to a smartass and cut through, hope he learned his lesson, :)
lol, every person on a bike squeezes through traffic, mi dad does for 1, he occassionally knocks a mirror and 1 in 10 times they chase him! LOL once a porsche chased him and nearly crashed, LOL...
wat sorta car do u drive franky??
VFR Safety Info

i like this one :
23. More than half of the accident-involved motorcycle riders had less than 5 months experience on the accident motorcycle, although the total street riding experience was almost 3 years. Motorcycle riders with dirt bike experience are significantly underrepresented in the accident data.

its a bit of a read, and american, but still relevant, also by noting things like this you can reduce the risk to yourself when riding on the road.
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Would be better. They are underrepresented, means they don't show up in the crash data as much, which means there isn't as many having accidents on the road. Could be any reason for this, just an interesting observation by the reports authors.
The police/government just don't have an adequate reporting system to ultimately back up their stats. Even the scooter rooters are recorded as a motorcycle statistic, even though they do not hold a bike licence and have not been trained to ride a motorcycle. Even private property trail bike deaths (working on the farm etc) go on record as a motorcycle death, which inflates the motorcycle statistics. The reporting system is poor, but no one is doing anything about it. Thats why they are calling it a "motorcycle related death" etc. I'm surprised they don't pull dead bodies from cars, check if they have a bike licence, and still record that as a "motorcycle related death". Its inflated.

Doesn't damaging cars worsen the war between cagers and bikers? It's really cool but if you think about it you realised it's not helping. Personally if a biker kicked my car mirror off I'd be inclined to dislike bikers more and might go out of my way to harm one.

Not when they deliberately ass about. You might dislike bikers, but trust me the real bikers dislike cagers even more. When I have my lid on, I trust no one in cars. Most of the time these ******s are trying to impress their mates in the car by being fucktarts. Punching the mirror off gets them to STFU real quick and they crawl back in their hole.

I don't care what they think of me afterwards. Its a harsh lesson that needs to be taught. Like getting rapped across the knuckles at school - you hate your principal, but you're not going to **** with him again are you? Today's bikers are soft pussy's who put up with crap, mostly talk **** and run from the first sign of a cop. 99% of the time these cagers are ****** and are all talk. The 1% that isn't, well when you put your carbonfibre-knuckled gloves into their face, they ultimately STFU too.

I've had a car intentionally run me off the road, I'm talking full sideswipe where the move kept me pinned to the car. Well I'm a better rider than he is a driver, and I stayed upright and started punching his window. Once our vehicles had stopped we had our little 1-on-1. He had an overnight stay in hospital to think about his attitude. LOL