Not for the weak - motorcycles are dangerous!

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I've had a car intentionally run me off the road, I'm talking full sideswipe where the move kept me pinned to the car. Well I'm a better rider than he is a driver, and I stayed upright and started punching his window. Once our vehicles had stopped we had our little 1-on-1. He had an overnight stay in hospital to think about his attitude. LOL

hahahaha I can imagine you fighting in full leathers LOL
You got a fair point there Ruby. I didn't think of it in that way. Anyway I'm still unsure of getting a road bike or not. You're more in control of the variables on the track but road riding is great too, just dangerous. I think I'll get a road bike anyway but yeh, I couldn't be more aware of the dangers.
whoa ruby, i know that motorcyclists reveice tonnes of **** from certain car drivers but i don't know anybody that has actually been side swiped by a car, lol. i couldn't imagine somebody hopping off their bike and having a go at a car driver, lol, yet i know if it happened 2 dad, he would have done the same thing LOL.
speaking of cars..was any1 at the phillip island races 2day or yesterday?
You got a fair point there Ruby. I didn't think of it in that way. Anyway I'm still unsure of getting a road bike or not. You're more in control of the variables on the track but road riding is great too, just dangerous. I think I'll get a road bike anyway but yeh, I couldn't be more aware of the dangers.

Your best protection on the road is your awareness, your skills, and your attitude. No one plans to crash, but dress in full gear as if you are going to, and scan, scan, scan for bad drivers. Unfortunately, this is not something you pick up when you buy a bike, its something you learn and train yourself to do without thinking about it ... it becomes automatic.
whoa ruby, i know that motorcyclists reveice tonnes of **** from certain car drivers but i don't know anybody that has actually been side swiped by a car, lol. i couldn't imagine somebody hopping off their bike and having a go at a car driver, lol, yet i know if it happened 2 dad, he would have done the same thing LOL.
speaking of cars..was any1 at the phillip island races 2day or yesterday?

I'd be lying if I said it didn't scare me. I thought I was going to die. The guy hit me on a 30 degree angle ... hard. But I was on a 240kg monster of a bike. I have no idea to this day why I didn't go down. All that adrenalin pumped me so much and I was so angry I had no second thoughts about beating the **** outta him. Some 40-something yo guy who should have known better.

And his excuse for running me off the road? I gave him the finger because he was tailgating me!
And his excuse for running me off the road? I gave him the finger because he was tailgating me!

hahahaha just ghosty your bike into him ruby that will do the job LOL
lol, yeh must have been scary, i tell ya what, if i had a nice bike like urs and some 40 yr old **** tried to run me down i'd do more than beat him up, LOL. u could expect it from some ******** 25 yr old that is a lunatic..but from some old guy...maybe he was drunk or something, well atleast u got him off the road for the night, LOL.
hey the bike in ur signature, is that ur race or road bike?? or do u use it for both??
also, correct me if i'm wrong but is it a huyabusa, or how ever u spell it? the 1300? it deffinately looks like the tail of one...
TLR....can't remember seeing one, do they still make ém or is it few years old??
It's his road bike its a Suzuki TLR and I think it's 998cc

The Suzuki TLR was produced from 1998-2002. The Hayabusa GSXR1300 bodywork was based on the TLR, looking like a muscle bike. However, the TL1000R is a 998cc big bore v-twin that puts out mountains of torque. Good for burnouts. :p It runs two pipes up to the tail, sounds thumpy and is definately a unique bike.

The engine was so good it is still used today by Cagiva, the SV1000 and some Suzuki motard version (DV1000?). But the engine has been tuned down over the years due to it being known as a "widow maker" (because stupid bike journos rode them ham-fisted, idiots) and power went down from 119rwhp to about 107rwhp by 2002. So the 1998 models are popular. My TLR puts out 125 genuine rwhp. TLRs are becoming a cult bike (like the Z900) and do not lose value as much as a GSXR. The 1998 TLR is worth $13K (an average TLR is around $11K) and the 2002 GSXR is worth $7,500. So you can see what bike I would keep.

There was a sticker I saw a while ago I should get for the TLR: "If you value your life like I value my bike, then don't **** with it!" LOL
LOL perfect prezzy for dad, he would murder somebody seen hurting his precious r1. he gets chased a bit when he hits a car mirror, a porsche once chased him, he just laughed LOL.
to be honest i have always hated the look of the back and front of the huyabusa, the back is hideous and the front is too wide, but hey, that;s just my opinion, don't get offended..i saw a 600hp busa in a bike mag, the swingarm and back half of the bike was extended, maybe 2 or 3 times normal and it was an ugly ****, LOL. he had spend like over 100k on it and its a 19k bike..LOL. how long have u had ur bike for? dad got a new r1 about 2+ months ago and will probably trade it in 2010 or 2011, once he gets 20,000 ks he always trades in, cos with 20,000k's it might be worth 12k, with 22 or more it might be worth under 10...
did u get ur bike customly painted?
thats like saying bmx's only do 500kms there to dif things so they would of done more i donno anything bout road bikes but it sounds like alot:S
I like ordinary Hayabusas. Those custom jobs just make them look awful. Even a stock Busa has been called "fat", but I like to think the bodywork is more muscle. How can you insult a bike that is blindingly quick in stock form? LOL

The TLR has a custom paint job. Its now a Rizla Suzuki replica.

To answer the above questions: Bikes lose value quicker than cars per 1,000kms travelled. This is because bikes are outlaws anyway and worthless LOL Seriously, bikes are high revving machines and engine wear reduces a bikes life. Cars redline around 6,500rpm and cruise around 2,000-2,500rpm. Bikes redline around 15,000rpm depending on the bike, and cruise around 4,000rpm. Bikes also have more gears and get "thrashed" more, so their life is nowhere near a cars in maintenance, engine rebuild, and replacement. Motorcycle engines have to put up with higher stress than a car engine. And I'm talking about vehicles off the showroom floor. I'm not talking about Top Fuel cars or custom race cars. Thats a whole new ball game.
This one is shocking - not kid safe

This one shows a rider at a track low siding. He is able to crawl off the track to safety, which is more than I can say for the marshalls who ran out onto the track ...

YouTube - motorcycle accident

This is why we have rules at the MotoGP. For their safety and ours!

Its not kiddy safe when one of the marshalls was killed. :rolleyes: It doesn't look like much from the angle, but those bikes are moving at about 100kph still.

This is why there is a yellow flag and a red flag. Rider and bike down but off the track = yellow flag (slow down and use caution). Rider and/or bike down on the track = red flag (slow down immediately and pit in).

The flag marshalls should have done their job, one of their own was killed thru stupidity. And the first guy who crashed (who's bike the marshalls were trying to recover) had borken his leg, but still 'ran' (limped) back out there to see who was still alive.
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