Have spoken to Jams, no booking required.
We are concerned, however, at the current heat wave in SA...
If the temp is over 40degrees, they close up shop...
Jams updates their website every wednesday before the weekends as to whether they are open or not.
At this stage i'm hoping a cool change hits and it remains open...
Have also found out they are open from 10am til 5pm..
I'll be banging down their door at 10am, providing they are open...
Looking good for numbers so far, and my missus will be circulating on the quad taking pictures of everyone. She's attempting to get a little "MotoPhoto" business venture going, so what she'll be doing, is taking a squillion pics of everyone, making them available for viewing online somewhere (yet to be determined), and anyone who wants a big blown up pic of themselves tearing up the Monarto Sand, can organise with her for copies. I'll be taking a vid camera, and helmet cam, and might throw a bit of a DVD together as well...
At this stage, am hoping to take a gas bbq of some sort as well, if i can fit it in, as i've got 6 bikes going so far... (hint hint, any one got room to take my bbq?? lol)
will keep the updates coming... starting to look like a really good day out...