SA Meet and Greet Ride day

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yeah thirsty, it's open to anyone from MR. :) watch this space for updates as we get closer.
how about a gold coin donation for the BBQ...hey if you guys want anyone to bring anything just ask.

Me and Sneezy organising the bbq, thought perhaps a simple sausage sizzle might be the way to go, and some canned drinks for sale etc etc. basic stuff, but it's easier and allows for more time on the scooters..

I was thinking... (scary i know)
Doms suggested a gold coin donation for the bbq...
How would everyone feel about that donation going back to Jams to give them a bit more support, plus i plan on tearing the place up a bit with the 4fif... might be a fair goodwill gesture from MR to Jams????

What do people think of that idea?

We're getting close, so can i please get people to start confirming their attendance so i can finalise numbers for Jams, and work out what we're going to need to feed everyone?

Cheers guys, looking forward to it. :)
yeha mate donation thing sounds good to sneezy =)

confirmed riders from my side is 4 cant wait for this ride day been hanging for ages
i will come if my sprockets and chain for my bike are in by then. ordered front yesti, and hopefully dad has paid for my custom one (being made by Banannaboy) today.
Confirm me thump! ill be headin down there by myself, well as you know with my 140.
Hehe could give the old postie a thrashin... but i think not

Gold coin donation sounds great. Ill bring a WAECO fridge down so all you fellas can feel free to put your hydration in there to keep it chilled. First in best dressed!
this is sounding better and better by the day. yeah satchy, car fridge would be great. i'll have mine, plus the barby, will do a bit of a shop up here so there is plenty to eat and drink. Havent told Jams bout the gold coin thing yet, figured we might be able to present it on the day to say thanks for letting us tear your place to bits. :)

heh heh... now we can put the 140's head to head... :) *goes out to shed to put big block kit in to make sure*
Ride Day Update

Ok, looks like things are starting to come together...
I've been in contact with Stephen from JAMS, who has given me the following information:

Cost to enter Jams: $10 for minis, $20 for big bikes. Quads are classified as big bikes. Great if your only taking one bike. i'm taking 3 big bikes, 3 minis... do that maths... :eek:

Access: Lowered vehicles WILL have trouble getting down the gulley to the tracks. Stephen has suggested lowered cars park up the top, and bikes are wheeled down to site. It is a bit of a trek down there, so if it is NOT permissable to ride down before paying entry, we might be able to organise a bit of a bike shuffle for those running sleds...

Catering: I'm taking a bbq and a small car fridge. Satchy has kindly offered to bring his car fridge as well. Sneezy and myself are going to do a bit of a shop before hand, and pick up some snags, bread, and canned drinks. Drinks will be available at any stage of the day, and i'll do the barby after the 4fif has beaten me up a bit. Will probably hold the bbq at about half time, to break the day up a bit.
Snags and drinks will be by gold coin donation, as has been suggested in the thread.
We will be making a donation to JAMS to say thanks for having us, and a gesture of goodwill from the "SA Chapter" of Miniriders. I'm hoping these social ride days might become a bit of a fixture in the future.
I am unsure of JAMS policies on alcohol, but i doubt it would be allowed, and as we are "representing" MiniRiders, can we please keep it a dry event, at least for the duration of the day. Alcohol and Bikes, no matter how small or slow, dont mix on private tracks made available to us, so lets keep it respectable until after the bikes are loaded up..

Getting there: Details on how to get to Jams can be found on their website.
Please follow the link below for directions and map.
I'll be leaving my place around 9am Saturday morning, with a bit of an entourage in tow.. I thought an easy meeting point, could be the first truck park AFTER you have passed MT BARKER, on the LEFT HAND SIDE.
For those who dont know where they're going, they can join the rest of us. I would imagine i'll get to the truck park around 10am, allowing for traffic, and towing 6 bikes uphill with a 22yr old Triton powered by a Sigma motor.. ha ha!!

Photography and Filming: I will be taking pretty much everything i own, that is capable of capturing an image. Helmet cam, video camera, and the digitals.
Mrs Thump*140 will be doing a heap of photography on the day, and pics of everyone attending will be made available for viewing after the event, and available to purchase, should you want to, for a small fee. (She's still working out a reasonable cost, will keep you posted there)
I'll probably throw any video footage onto DVD for those who want to see themselves fall off on TV.
Obviously, cameras are encouaraged. The more pics, the better. :)

Grudge Matches: So far we have a few "similar" bikes confirmed for attendance. So far we have battles between:
Battle of The Blitzes.. The Blitzkrieg V2.0 Vs Synergy's "Stage I" Blitz.
Monster Warfare: The Bling 40 Vs Satchy's YX140 powered animal. Both bikes are more or less identically modded Monster frames. This one could be interesting.
DollarForty Three-way: PitPro 140 Vs DHZ 140 Vs Motovert 140.
Bigfoot Mini Comparo: MiniBlitz 125 Vs Sneezy's Pitpro140 Bigfoot.
All contenders: YZF450 Vs everyone. 30 second headstart over 5 laps.

I'll continue to update this thread as we get closer, so keep an eye on it, and please, let me know if you intend to bring more people with you, or if you are a late joiner. Numbers are rapidly rising... and i need to know how much food and drink to bring...

Anyone wanting to contact me directly, or wanting my number for ease of contact on the day: Thump = 0425 200 609
word ov advice if u own a lowlux or any low car do not take it there driveway is hectick unless they have fixed it haha
Access: Lowered vehicles WILL have trouble getting down the gulley to the tracks. Stephen has suggested lowered cars park up the top, and bikes are wheeled down to site. It is a bit of a trek down there, so if it is NOT permissable to ride down before paying entry, we might be able to organise a bit of a bike shuffle for those running sleds...

lol already covered that bit... ;)
yeah i know mate, it was bad back in my racing days, and that was the START of this decade.. can only imagine what ten years of hiaces has done to it. lol
haha last time i was there was about 2-3 years ago and nearly needed a 4x4 to do it my mates dads 3L tubro diesel 2wd lux was getting killed haha they might hav fixed it tho or jsut befor if they know a heap of ppl are coming out, hope they do anyways
Yeah stephen knows we have about 25-30 people going, which is probably going to mean 15 odd cars.. He's working and opening up this sunday, so hopefully it might be smoothed out for us. :)
haha last time i was there was about 2-3 years ago and nearly needed a 4x4 to do it my mates dads 3L tubro diesel 2wd lux was getting killed haha they might hav fixed it tho or jsut befor if they know a heap of ppl are coming out, hope they do anyways

shall i bring a snatch strap? lol
yeah if access is really bad, i reckon we might try and do a bit of a car shuffle. either pull other peoples trailers down, or load up utes with others bikes etc..
I can carry about 7 minis in one hit, so if a few people help, we'll get everyone down to site pretty quickly. :)
nah, three bike trailer, and an 87 triton with real long tray.. holds a 250 quad and two minis in the tray, so take the quad out, 4 minis in the tray, 3 on the trailer. :)
i dont get paid enough for a bike transporter. dammit. :(

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