ok, we need free beer, doritos, and free bendy levers for everybody...
Hmm, that's probably not helpful..
As an ex-racer who cant justify the cost, travel, eliteism and time anymore, i reckon what we need to build an actual Minirider COMMUNITY, is perhaps more "Come and Try" days, "Non-Competitive" competition events... (if that makes sense... organised days where "Non-Racers" can come along, run-what-ya-brung type thing, with a competitive nature.. Ie: Gate starts, so many laps... but without the pressure, or cost of full-time racing...
Affordable day licenses, for those of us who might have a bit of speed, still got a bit of competitive spirit, but will only drag the bike out once a year to really fire it in anger down the start chute against like-minded riders..
Most importantly, SAMBRA needs to step up AWARENESS that they exist. Publicity, whilst not cheap, can be effected on forums like this... Involve shops like East 50s in having pamphlets, fliers or in-store publicity to upcoming events... Perhaps even entry forms...
basically, if people dont know what SAMBRA are doing, when they are doing it, or where, attendance will stay down...
...and it might be me, but events of a less competitive nature might bring a few more riders out of the woodwork, to at least go out and have a crack at it, without the Pros screaming past yelling NOOB every lap, and making em nervous...
SA has always had the problem that unless you are a full on fanatic racer, no one has any f***** idea whatsoever, as to when events are happening... address that issue, i think you'll solve half the problem..
SAMBRA may even have to get off it's collective ass, and initiate that first contact with riders out there... perhaps starting here...
If i can get 20 confirmed riders, plus wives, girlfriends, kids etc to put there hand up for a simple Meet and greet ride day, in the space of a day, then surely a motorsport body such as SAMBRA can manage a few more....
Luke i got plenty of ideas mate, but i dont necessarily have the time outside of work to be a fully active service... PM me if you want to discuss it further.