SA what do we need

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2008
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hey there seems to be a few riders on here from sa but not many racing. seems like a lot of people looking for a place to ride so what does SAMBRA need to do to get more of use out to there races. looking for ideas to improve the racing and riding for next year.
ok, we need free beer, doritos, and free bendy levers for everybody...
Hmm, that's probably not helpful..
As an ex-racer who cant justify the cost, travel, eliteism and time anymore, i reckon what we need to build an actual Minirider COMMUNITY, is perhaps more "Come and Try" days, "Non-Competitive" competition events... (if that makes sense... organised days where "Non-Racers" can come along, run-what-ya-brung type thing, with a competitive nature.. Ie: Gate starts, so many laps... but without the pressure, or cost of full-time racing...
Affordable day licenses, for those of us who might have a bit of speed, still got a bit of competitive spirit, but will only drag the bike out once a year to really fire it in anger down the start chute against like-minded riders..

Most importantly, SAMBRA needs to step up AWARENESS that they exist. Publicity, whilst not cheap, can be effected on forums like this... Involve shops like East 50s in having pamphlets, fliers or in-store publicity to upcoming events... Perhaps even entry forms...
basically, if people dont know what SAMBRA are doing, when they are doing it, or where, attendance will stay down...
...and it might be me, but events of a less competitive nature might bring a few more riders out of the woodwork, to at least go out and have a crack at it, without the Pros screaming past yelling NOOB every lap, and making em nervous...
SA has always had the problem that unless you are a full on fanatic racer, no one has any f***** idea whatsoever, as to when events are happening... address that issue, i think you'll solve half the problem..
SAMBRA may even have to get off it's collective ass, and initiate that first contact with riders out there... perhaps starting here...
If i can get 20 confirmed riders, plus wives, girlfriends, kids etc to put there hand up for a simple Meet and greet ride day, in the space of a day, then surely a motorsport body such as SAMBRA can manage a few more....
Luke i got plenty of ideas mate, but i dont necessarily have the time outside of work to be a fully active service... PM me if you want to discuss it further. :D
maybe i didnt look correctly on ur web site but include an easy to find link to the rules and regulations and how get started in the sport.
i tried to join only to hear nothing back
how about actually letting me register on your site?
even after i had heard nothing i tried to contact you through the contact box on the site
and guess what still nothing

i would love to come, see and maybe try mini-racing but kinda makes it hard when you cant join up
and its like MR has a SA section worth looking at...(all the love for MR)
Ass Live
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they could start by returning emails.ive sent numerous emails to them trying to find out whats involved in gaining membership etc etc to get nothing back.they can now stick their membership up their arse im not interested in being involved with an organisation that cant be bothered replying to potential members.
hey i personaly have nothing to do with sambra other than the fact i race there meetings. i was just trying to get some ideas about what they can do, so i could tell there commitee about what all you guys think. sounds like they are very slack with emails and there web site. il try and get more happening for use if they havent burnt there bridges already.
thanks Luke
hey i personaly have nothing to do with sambra other than the fact i race there meetings. i was just trying to get some ideas about what they can do, so i could tell there commitee about what all you guys think. sounds like they are very slack with emails and there web site. il try and get more happening for use if they havent burnt there bridges already.
thanks Luke

sorry mate,wasnt having a go at you just the incompetent idiots that are allegedly running S.A.M.B.R.A. ive tried numerous times to contact them and have now given up and i am prepared to watch the S.A. mini scene crumble around them.
What we need is someone with a block of land and a bobcat.

Run a similar setup to Jams in a not so big environment and make everyone who comes to ride sign an indemnity form.

That way you cant have your arse hauled to court by someone that has injured themselves on aforementioned owners property.

I might be able to get a lawyer to check over the legalities of the form and have any loopholes closed so that this could become a reality.

The owner of the land would just need to collect 5 or 10 bucks per person and maybe take bookings for a maximum amount if people pending track size.

Insurance may be an issue, but if you're signing a form to say that if you injure yourself in any way, shape or form, the owner wont be liable, then I dont see insurance being too much of an issue.

If we're serious about having somewhere to ride, I'll fire off an email to the owners of Jam's and get some insight into what we need to do.
Unfortunatly the release form you sign relinquishing the property owner of any future damages claims generally arent worth the paper they are written on.
The problem is if you seriously injure yourself and are unable to care for yourself because you have been permanently incapacitated it leaves it open for family or loved ones to sue for compensation.Just ask Jonny from Port Gawler,he has been through this situation to many times to mention.
^^^ yes sadly MVPro is on the money with Indemnity forms, as they arent worth two squirts of goats piss in a court of law... And even more regrettably, people who willingly indulge in what is recognised as a dangerous sport, arent willing to take responsibility for themselves when it all goes to poo, and they get spat off their bike... Hence most of the reason riding areas in SA are few and far between, or riders have "No choice" *Cough cough ******** cough cough* but to ride in public areas illegally...
Unless someone is willing to put their hand up, and dig deep into the pockets and open a riding arena themselves, we are faced with the choice of joining a club, which may or may not support the use of minibikes, venture to places like Jams, T-Bones or Pt Gawler, or you can be a ****** and ride on crown land. Or even worse, ride your minis on the bitty sans-helmet like those little dildos i see near East50's from time to time..

Jams is for sale BTW... anyone wanna go halvsies??
They would have public liability insurance, so that when someone hurts themselves, after signing the indemnity form and suing anyway cause they are a tool, they have some sort of insurance to cover such an event.
Pt Gawler has a similar set-up, and is why it opens and closes like a brothel door... Very hard to get Public liability insurance for bike parks..
public liability insurance is rubbish but is needed

my old man is a ceramic tiler and he has to have it
if anyone enters the house being built, which is actually illegal, hurts themselves they can then sue my old man,

this insurance makes sure that we are able to cope if taken to court by some mondo idiot
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