sick of china bikes

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
lil old littlehampton, SA
hey guyes,

well im ova china bikes now, so now im just going to stick with JAP bikes. my question is how much could i sell my MSO X7R for?? iv had it for about 7-8 monthes and it has a 102.5 main jet and a full new set of spare plastics and bars.


Cheers Ryan
how much did u pay for it?

You're going to sell it.. go out for a ride .. and then go "**** I wish I had my pitty"... Don't sell it. It's stock anyway, ill give you 50cents for it if you do decide to sell it
i paid 1130 for it, well im not realy sik of them its just that i dont realy use it much cause i ride my 250f mainly and it is such a huge quailty difference i can never be happy with a china. oh and i need cash to buy a car
hes probley sic of them becuase there **** and they brake all the time!!!

then consider how much coin u put into jap bikes as well just keep it have a bit of fun

what its worth and what ya gunna get are 2 diferant things man

but i'll give ya 400 + postage
1130 new,

7 months old, no mods, = $800 imo
if you did this last week i would have bought it off you for $800-$850,

but i just bought a PitproLE for my bros birthday, otherwise you would have had a ultra quick sale...
i have riden my bike 5 times and pumped about $700 + into my x7r with the though of polishing a turd lol ,of course it will never compare to a yzf mate but its the fun factor these little bikes produce for me to continually spend money on them.I too have considered selling mine many times to get a xr/crf 50 but I have come to relise that for the amount of power my bike has i will need to pump some serious cash into a xr50 to get it to the same level.
You actually would have payed $999 because the rest was postage.

But yeah I would just keep it.
oh how could you say such a thing!!! an early 80's 4X4 hilux would have to be one of the greatest cars ever!

and yes i am aware that the one in the pic i posted isnt a ealry 80's hilux
Good to see you saw the light Thrash.... & those Hilux's are indestrucatable they tested it on TOP GEAR!!!! demolished like a 20 storey building with one on top & she still had life!

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