so.. your into RC's huh....

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heres the rest of mine i got a drifter and a stadium thunder


Im going to get a Tamiya Subaru Impreza Dunno code names or nothing lol :)


edit: Just bought it, going to pick it up on thursday :) should be allright for a first car aye :)
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yeah bro there a good car i had one for a small time just rember that gutters are solid and keep it cleen lol
needs a matchbox car next to em.... :) the collection grows huh Firsttimer! awesome :)
u wish is my comand lol here it is with a matchbox and its missing a few stickers cos i glued myself to them whilst trying to glue the wing on (damn runny ca )

holly Sh@t you got alot of rc firsttimer

that micro t is awsome how much they set you back ??
$180 but ya can get em off ebay for $140 and thats not alot i had about 5 more inc hellies but i got rid of em when and the micro is awsome and it FLYS
literaly and it is so adictive runnin round inside ohh and the neighbors hate me again (got the mt2 flyin again)
cheers firsttimer
Got some photos of the sick tamiya =p

Black wheels

Chrome Wheels

Drift Specs
hey there pretty cool, anyone got a drift car or rc or anything for sale?? please pm me

can you buy them on ebay? can you guys please give me some links to some alright ones, i only want a cheepy for now.


hit me up a pm
aye mad man check the clasifides masso has a drifter up 4 sale its an alright beginer just put a new set of tires (on old rims) and had a bash with the mt2 got a vid too (the tires are hpi blue grooves same as the stadium thunder)
Ok heres some of my stuff, youse think those savages are moddes HAHAHAHA ill show you a modded one of mine.

This is my Hyper 8 Pro buggy, use it for comp racing, dont ask how much i spent on it im to scared to know.


Did someone say they had a 11turn motor and said it was fast, what about this 7turn one of mine running on 4200man intellects.

Now this is a MODDED SAVAGE
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This is a picture of why i have modded my savage to the extreme, as a forum group we use to organise bashes and comps and stuff anyway, this is what i did one comp day and then from there and on had to spend another few hundred to get it to my standards with thicker chassis and alloy parts.

All up in mods and me buying the truck from scratch i would of easily spent about 2k if not more, and guess how much i sold it for $350, got sold for pea nuts.
show off lol nice cars bro

thinking about a new addition to my family a rock crawler what do ya think yes or no?