so.. your into RC's huh....

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HaHa yeah show of. Well sometimes i see other people show of thir stuff so i thought to my self may as well show it of to.

Believe it or not i got a rock crawler, a boat x2, a plane x2 and a rocket.
HaHa well i got the Axial Scorpion, its all stock with some home made mods, like weight to the front and stuff like that.

A+++ for rock crawling. Buy it.
^^ seen the new tamiya coming out in a month or so!?? certainly looks to be somewhat competition for the ax10!

very schmick!-my money might just swing this way if i hit the rocks!





knew i reconized that savy agressive! wonder how many times we have actually bashed at park ochards together.... lol.. did you used to get out to knox to!?? been over 2 years since i took the sav. for a good bashing...

regarding the 11t. motor.. oh it was FAST.. fast enough to do a scaled 1/4 in 2.3seconds.. (not shabby at all when you consider its a FWD, diff gears./gearbox cant be modified) only pinion and spur!
well i have gone and done it now bought an axial ax10 , orderd and paid for now just gotta wait 2-5 working days and its here yay will get up some pics when its done and maybe a few of the build if youse want??? ohh and i have fixed the mini baja needed new brushes and the micro t has buggerd batts in the charger mt2 needs a new glow plug and the drifter and st are shelf queens with no radio gear , and yes fools the colections grows and grows and grows ohh and just got one of those indoor helis and its good fun lol
cheers toby / firsttimer
i got the crawler today its so shmick ile get some picks up soon , got here at 9 and was done by 6 the tires took 2 hours a alone lol
awsome man when u gunna take it out for a run tomoz if you do get some vids but pics if thats all u can get

body still needs more cutting but meh im lazy motoxxx got you some action pics no vid was to hard tring to stop long enough to take picks man this is an awsome car lol cheers hope use like the picks

l0l just for me a mate heh

looks great bud another thing i need to add to my WHAT TO GET LIST hahahah
sp far its about 200 things long
got tired of the flimzy car shell going flat when it rolls so i cut out and stickerd up betty , yeah its ugly but meh




got myself a team losi micro-t in the mail today so here it is

the car is $150
ball bearings to replace the ****** bushings $25 and $10 for express postage from sydney arrived next day after payment

car goes around 26km's when fully charged a run time is about 8 mins and it takes 20-25 mins to charge

you can see the green things at the top of the shocks on the close up pic of the shocks i made dampers cause the stock shocks are way too soft and spiringy so i got some nitro fuel line and made them and it stiffend the shocks up a fair bit but not to much...

i have made a track with carboard jumps ive made these are awsome fun and will be even better after the lipo battery for the longer run times they will go upto about 10-15 mins but take 1-2 hours to charge...

the quality of these is amazing and detail is great...

got it from WWW.RCHOBBIES.COM best online rc shop in australia by far they have literally 100000000000000000000 part and cars RTR AND KITS small and big nitro and electric for sale at good prices great service also...




